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Hi Tim,

Le 2012-12-10 12:23, webmaster-Kracked_P_P a écrit :

I noticed that a site showed "Open Office" download in their products.
Well, I sent them an email letting the contact person know about

The contact replied in less than a day and told me that "they" added
LibreOffice in their product download page.

if you see a web site that offers ODF files for download and do not list
LibreOffice, let them know that their offerings also works on
LibreOffice and ask if they would list it as well. You should let them
know about LibreOffice and give them the URLs, etc.

All you have to do is ask, and most of the times the company will list
LibreOffice as a "user" of their ODF offerings.

The site I saw a few days ago took less than 24 hours to add LO to the
list that shows OOo/AOO as the product that their offering can be used

Thanks for reminding us of this. This is something that we can all do and the payback in added publicity is quite large. Thanks for doing this.



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