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On 11/28/2012 09:38 AM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
On 11/28/2012 04:26 AM, wrote:

Can we try to have Governments mandate an 'office Suite Ballot' on new PCs, something like how the Europeans have a browser ballot?
Can Opera help us with expertise in this regard?

Can some legislators help with bills to help ODF gain popularity?

I think this can help spread LibreOffice.



Interesting approach, but I wonder who is the best person to help with creating a ballot. I think that it needs to be someone who understands the legal terminology and what a ballot needs for correct wording and such. There are specific requirements to get a ballot properly worded and then get it sponsored by enough people to place it in contention in the ballot process. I know some of the things it takes to get something on a local ballot and I do not envy the people who has to go through all the mess and hassles to do the process.

The philosophy behind mandating [think forcing] what can be used or not used is a tricky one. Right now, MS forces people to use their products, for many reasons. Now a mandate will force the governments to use some other product. Yes, having a mandate to start using open source, in a certain percentage of new system purchases, would be great. Yet, I would rather see users choose ODF and LO over being forced to use them.

The USA has an open source mandate, but it is not a 100% movement to open source products and open document formats. That mandate will start the process though.

I would like to see a mandate to look at the open source options before any purchases of computer software, with the specific reasons why they have to buy the software over getting it free. Make then explain in detail why they have to spend "our money" on MS and other costly software in these times where there is a need to cut spending.

I prefer programs must use an open, international standard by default appropriate to the program rather than a proprietary format If all offices suites by default used the current ODF then users would not face potential vendor lock and later orphan file problems. Also, the suites/programs are competing on technical/economic merit not compatibility with some proprietary format.

Jay Lozier

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