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Le 2012-08-29 11:51, Harri Pitkänen a écrit : (perhaps the largest news site specialised in computer related
news in Finland) had a weekly poll where readers were asked about their
primary office suite. LibreOffice had amazing support there: 33 % of
respondends claimed to use it more than the other office suites.

The poll is now closed and the results can be seen here:

Here are the results with options translated in English:

Microsoft Office         40 %
LibreOffice              33 %
OpenOffice               15 %
Google Docs               2 %
Lotus Symhony             0 %
Applen iWork / Pages etc. 5 %
Something else            1 %
No office suite in use    3 %

Of course this is from a very specialised audience and it would have been easy
to vote more than once. So these numbers may have no relation to actual market
share. Still since the site (and probably its readers) are generally neutral
to Free software I would say this is at least very good publicity for us.


If we are to be positive of these results and have faith that people were sincere in their vote and were honest enough not to vote multiple times (I believe that most people are honest enough not to do so -- besides most polling software will not allow from the same IP twice, which give the poll a little bit of validity) -- this is great news!

Just by conducting more of these polls gives LibreOffice more exposure and marketing punch as it gets people talking about the pros and cons of using our suite. Word of mouth is our best marketing tool.



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