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Here is the text I wrote for the thread on the "User's list".  I did not 
see it here as well.
For Windows, I use doPDF, which places a "printer" in you printer list that "prints" to a PDF file.
I know that Linux may have a PDF printer option installed by default, 
but what little testing I have used for it, I find that I prefer to 
install CUPS-PDF printer and use it.  It creates a better file name and 
has more print options, but it will only place the file in the "default" 
PDF folder.
I never heard of PDF-Redirect.  I went to there site.  I wonder what 
print options it has compared to doPDF and the non-free PDF995 and 
CutePDF?  I have been using doPDF for years on Windows, since I was 
creating e-newsletter version of the printed ones back in the late 90's 
and early 00's.  I never changed.  When I went to Linux as my default 
desktop platform in Feb 2010, I looked for a good PDF printer.  CUPS-PDF 
was the one that came up in the repository search.
So, there are many different ways to print a PDF file, 
internal-exporting and various PDF printers.  You must try a few on your 
platform and choose which one is the beat for you.

On 12/02/2011 06:23 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)


Most of the apps all go together.  Base is sometimes a separate thing that can be added but i don't think Base 
works on it's own.  In Gnu&Linux (such as Ubuntu, Mageia, RedHat) it might be possible to just use your 
normal package manager to find and install something else that does a convert to pdf.  In Windows there are a few 
things, perhaps "doPDF" but they are independant projects.  Google search (or Bing or whatever) might 
help you find a 3rd party app to do the job.

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Fri, 2/12/11, Paul<>  wrote:

From: Paul<>
Subject: [libreoffice-marketing] Standalone PDF
Date: Friday, 2 December, 2011, 4:12

Does Libre office have a stand alone PDF application? ie - does Libre provide the PDF editor by itself without all the other features in the 200 MB download - is it possible to install only the PDF tool without all the other features ? All responses appreciated. Thanks, Paula

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