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On 1/25/2011 6:06 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:
The Document Foundation launches LibreOffice 3.3

The first stable release of the free office suite is available for download

The Internet, January 25, 2011 - The Document Foundation launches LibreOffice 3.3, the first stable release of the free office suite developed by the community. In less than four months, the number of developers hacking LibreOffice has grown from less than twenty in late September 2010, to well over one hundred today. This has allowed us to release ahead of the aggressive schedule set by the project.

<< The rest was SNIPped to save reply space... >>

OK, now... here's a few deadly serious and hopefully short marketing and related "things" that outsiders, product reviewers and others, including those that "love" LibreOffice / OpenOffice, and those that do not, will be looking for:

In no particular order:

1. It is critically imperative to show the difference between, and LibreOffice, to hopefully elminate confusion as to items like "what's this new LibreOffice, and what happened to OpenOffice ?", and "Is LibreOffice picking up where stopped ?"

Yes, WE know the answers to the above (grin, I think !), but we simply MUST get the facts and situation to the OUTSIDE world...and soon.

2. Number 1 above SHOULD be also explained at any and all appropriate LibreOffice online websites, pages, and in all potentially languages. If not, potential user confusion can and will mount.

3. The initial Press Release that this reply is based on MUST VERY CLEARLY and should on separate lines that DRAW users / potential users attention quickly to those lines, state:

Here's where to download the new LibreOffice 3.3, available in the following languages:

  [Clearly enunciated DOWNLOAD page here]


  Here's where to find full information in one or more languages:

  [Clearly enunciated INFORMATION page here]

Note that the initial Press Release does NOT quite do this -- thus, it is an immediate concern for clarity.

There's likely more than just the above, but I wanted to quickly get the above concerns and commentary out.

Most sincerely,

Joe Rotello
Founder, WindowGroup
Knoxville, TN

Skype: joerotello

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