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lo_daily_tb_win_25-2 - Build # 74 - Fixed:

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Changes for Build #73
[Xisco Fauli] tdf#165437: regression: CairoSDPR: Exclude SDPR when mirrored

[Michael Stahl] wsl-as-helper: make liblangtag more resilient (MSYS path mangling)

[Michael Stahl] wsl-as-helper: also support winget's version of Git on aarch64

[fitojb] tdf#162840 sfx: fix layout of sidebar hyphenation options

Changes for Build #74
[fitojb] tdf#164823 sfx: fix order of sidebar hyphenation options

[Michael Stahl] tdf#165504 restore SdrPage::GetLayoutName virtual

[fitojb] tdf#163347 Restore options chart colors page color column for gtk3

[fitojb] tdf#134791 Clamp options dialog height to 80% of screen size

[Christian Lohmaier] Update translation files for android-viewer

[Christian Lohmaier] Resolves: tdf#163570 escape dictionary name for ui

[Christian Lohmaier] Resolves tdf#151040 - Brand image misplaced in Start Center

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#164249 adjust XML_localSheetId to take into account not exported

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#164997 - sc refactor and optimize LET function calculation

[Xisco Fauli] Related: tdf#164997 - sc refactor and optimize LET function calculation

[Xisco Fauli] sw: layout: fix truncation of table in section

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#164140 sw: Fix invalid string indices in kashida justification

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#164905 tdf#164499 sw smart justify: fix overlapping text in ToC

[Stephan Bergmann] tdf#165580 uno-skeletonmaker provide passive registration

[fitojb] tdf#165540 sw: Fix kashida insertion position data corruption

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#165596 Fix format paintbrush in Impress with lists
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