Callgrind Linux - Build # 15456 - Fixed:
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Changes for Build #15455
[dave] tdf#55425 sdext,pdfimport: wrapper: Split out line read
[dave] tdf#55425 sdext,pdfimport: Add a status string for opening the PDF
[dave] tdf#55425 sdext,pdfimport: Add a command loop to the poppler wrapper
[dave] tdf#55425 sdext,pdfimport: Replace checkEncryption
[dave] tdf#55425:sdext,pdfimport: Add a test
[dave] tdf#55425:sdext,pdfimport: Document the new protocol
Changes for Build #15456
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#163989 a11y: Introduce Window::GetAccessibleParent
[nemeth] tdf#165354 sw cui: implement HyphenationKeepLine – part 3
[Julien Nabet] Fix typo
[Julien Nabet] Fix typo
[Julien Nabet] Fix typo
[Julien Nabet] Fix typo
[Heiko Tietze] Resolves tdf#165517 - Rename Preferences to Settings on macOS
[20001722] cui: include Version.h instead of ZXVersion.h
[Stephan Bergmann] Reinstate the JDK_SECURITYMANAGER_DISALLOWED_FOR_BUILD workaround
[Noel Grandin] improve type-safety in dbaccess OStatementBase
[Noel Grandin] m_aStatement in ODatabaseMetaDataResultSet is unused
[Caolán McNamara] cool#10967: LOK Impress: Invalidate tiles on switching the CenterPane
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