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March 2025 Archives by date, by thread · List index

lo_daily_tb_win - Build # 2047 - Failure:
unmatched error

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Changes for Build #2047
[Justin Luth] tdf#164907 sw: Calculate row height adds border if 'atLeast' set #2

[Noel Grandin] skia: backport & cherry-pick fixes for LoongArch64 LSX vectorization

[Noel Grandin] skia: enable LASX explicitly to LASX binary compatible objects

[Michael Weghorn] toolbar a11y: Don't pass component context

[jp] ScriptForge (dialogs, documents, widgets) Secure listeners

[guibomacdev] tdf#165277 On macOS, only delay priorities lower than POST_PAINT

[Caolán McNamara] cid#1643904 COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE

[Caolán McNamara] cid#1643905 Uninitialized pointer field

[Caolán McNamara] cid#1643903 Dereference before null check

[Hossein] tdf#97228 move include file BitmapDuoToneFilter to vcl/inc/bitmap

[Michael Weghorn] weld: Don't use "upper" as param name for lower

[Michael Weghorn] weld::Scrollbar: Make clear that signal is about value change

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Introduce QtInstanceScrollbar

[Gabor Kelemen] Use officecfg instead of custom accessor methods

[Tomaž Vajngerl] vcl: make BitmapDarkenBlendFilter use BitmapFilter

[Mike Kaganski] package : reduce OUString allocation by using u16string_view

[Thorsten Behrens] Avoid slight jumping of TextEdit on activation

[Thorsten Behrens] Remove OverlayManager::flush() mechanism

[Thorsten Behrens] Avoid short blinking of text when activating TextEdit

[aron.budea] tdf#165503 oox: save numerical date categories into numerical cache

[Tomaž Vajngerl] o3tl: Add concepts for 32/64 bit types, use in hash_combine

[Heiko Tietze] tdf#86628 Fix image squishing on Reset Crop

[Stephan Bergmann] Remove the JDK_SECURITYMANAGER_DISALLOWED_FOR_BUILD workaround

[Miklos Vajna] svx: prefix members of GalleryThemeEntry

[Miklos Vajna] cool#11226 sw per-view redline on: add view-aware getter

[Noel Grandin] use more conrete UNO classes in vcl

[Michael Stahl] tdf#165115 sfx2: fix storing wholesome encrypted ODF templates

[Olivier Hallot] tdf#165339 - Data Provider - tweak wording and more

[Michael Stahl] tdf#165351 sw: fix crash after Undo of inserting table row...

[Stephan Bergmann] Missing test dependency

[Heiko Tietze] tdf#155050 Replaces the Bibliography entries with Citation

[nemeth] tdf#165354 sw xmloff: implement HyphenationKeepLine – part 2

[Noel Grandin] expand the ObjectType typedef

[Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#134791 Clamp options dialog height to 80% of screen size

[Miklos Vajna] Related: cool#11226 sw per-view redline on: fix ratio buttons of is-show

[nemeth] tdf#164905 tdf#164499 sw smart justify: fix overlapping text in ToC

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#165115: odf_export2: Add unittest

[Noel Grandin] use more concrete UNO classes in linguistic

[Noel Grandin] use more concrete UNO classes in framework

[freedesktop] tdf#145614 Convert #define MAX_HEADER_LENGTH to constexpr
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