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UBSAN Linux Build - Build # 3477 - Failure:
Identified problems:
* kill-wrapper: Killed by the kill-wrapper, typically due to no stdout/-err activity during a 
specified timeout interval.
  * Indication 1:

Check console output at to view the results.

Changes for Build #3477
[Mike Kaganski] Refactor comparison operators for DateTime and Time classes

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Support XSLT filter dialog

[Michael Weghorn] a11y: Leave comment field in XML Filter dialog on simple Tab

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 Define widgets in XML Filter dlg .ui files in order

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Support "Test XML Filter" dialog

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Support "XML Filter Settings" dialog

[Michael Weghorn] Make "XML Filter Settings" dialog modal and set parent

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Introduce QtInstanceAssistant

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Move findButtonBox helper to QtInstanceDialog

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Split QtInstanceMessageDialog::buttonForResponseCode

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Implement QtInstanceDialog::weld_button_for_response

[Michael Weghorn] vcl: Switch BuilderBase::set_response param from short to int

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Implement QtInstanceAssistant::append_page

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Implement QtInstanceAssistant::set_page_index

[Julien Nabet] Try fix local variable is initialized but not referenced for ARM TB

[Julien Nabet] Fix typo

[Sarper Akdemir] tdf#164936 oox: modify getColor method to include alpha

[Christian Lohmaier] update credits

[Caolán McNamara] cid#1643142 avoid Missing move assignment operator

[Hossein] tdf#158237 Use C++20 contains() instead of find() and end()
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