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Tinderbox on Master for Windows - Build # 45906 - Still Failing:
Identified problems:
* VS compiler error: Visual studio complained about error C2220: the following warning is treated 
as an error in file 
  * Indication 1:

Check console output at to view the results.

Changes for Build #45895
[Caolán McNamara] cid#1642988 Uninitialized scalar field

[Caolán McNamara] cid#1642991 Overflowed constant

[Caolán McNamara] cid#1642990 Useless call

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#164886 register gallery/backgrounds with scp2

[Noel Grandin] remove mpThreadGraphics from GDI backend

Changes for Build #45896
[Miklos Vajna] cool#11064 Set priority of some idles to TaskPriority::DEFAULT_IDLE

[Stephan Bergmann] Missing delete of emscriptenthreading::Data

[Gabor Kelemen] tdf#118465 RTF: import repeated headers of tables

Changes for Build #45897
[Jonathan Clark] tdf#165089 sw: disable grid centering for DOC/DOCX compatibility

[Caolán McNamara] cid#1642989 Double lock

[Michael Weghorn] android: Update Android Gradle Plugin to 8.8.1

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#165211 android: Include tabbuttonsmirrored.ui

[Olivier Hallot] tdf#126824 Make l10n for Data Provider transforms

[Stephan Bergmann] Emscripten: Add ClassHandle to EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS

[Michael Weghorn] gtk: Port from deprecated gtk_widget_show

[Michael Weghorn] gtk: Port from deprecated gtk_widget_hide

[Stephan Bergmann] Some more need for EmscriptenLightweightRunInMainThread

[Hossein] tdf#161144 Fix ambiguous sorting in Query Wizard

Changes for Build #45898
[Ilmari Lauhakangas] tdf#39468 Translate German word "gerade" in comment to English

Changes for Build #45899
[raykowj] Resolves tdf#165223 SB Navigator 'Reminder' objects set in a block of

Changes for Build #45900
[balazs.varga.extern] tdf#165261 - PPTX import: fix text in shape is left-aligned

Changes for Build #45901
[Noel Grandin] partially implement EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE

Changes for Build #45902
[Heiko Tietze] tdf#165271 Improve Option dialog for Pivot Table

Changes for Build #45903
[Hossein] tdf#42982 Improve UNO API error reporting

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Introduce QtInstanceFormattedSpinField

Changes for Build #45904
[Hossein] tdf#145759 Use symbolic constants instead of magic numerical constants

Changes for Build #45905
[Stephan Bergmann] Emscripten: No need to pass --with-main-module into build configure

[Stephan Bergmann] Emscripten: Make --with-main-module easier to extend in the future

[Xisco Fauli] libxml2: upgrade to 2.13.6

[jp] ScriptForge (SF_Calc) formatting methods

[Xisco Fauli] libassuan: upgrade to 3.0.2

[Caolán McNamara] cid#1643100 DLS: Dead local store

[Stephan Bergmann] Introduce DBG_TESTNOTSOLARMUTEX, to complement DBG_TESTSOLARMUTEX

Changes for Build #45906
[Xisco Fauli] libpng: upgrade to 1.6.47

[guibomacdev] Fix iOS build breakage

[Noel Grandin] [API CHANGE] remove XTiledRenderable
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