UBSAN Linux Build - Build # 3470 - Successful:
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Changes for Build #3470
[Michael Weghorn] sc: Simplify ScNavigatorDlg::FormatRowOutputHdl
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 weld: Let SpinButton output hdl only format the string
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 weld: Let SpinButton::signal_output return text
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Implement QtInstanceBuilder::weld_metric_spin_button
[Michael Weghorn] sc: Merge NumStrToAlpha into only caller
[Michael Weghorn] sc: Don't modify string passed to NumToAlpha/AlphaToNum
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 weld: Let SpinButton input hdl only parse value from string
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 weld: Abstract from "input"/"output" SpinButton signals
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Implement SpinButton text <-> value conversion
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Demote assert in QtInstanceEntry::set_width_chars
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Support Math "Font Size" dialog
[Michael Weghorn] math: Resave savedefaultsdialog.ui with glade 3.40
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Move include to .cxx
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Move helper function to QtInstanceMessageDialog
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Extract logic to add buttons to static helper
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Assign variable right away
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Split QtBuilder::setProperties
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 vcl: Extract helper to map GTK to VCL buttons type
[Michael Weghorn] vcl: Switch SAL_WARN about button types to assert
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Add standard message dialog buttons defined in .ui
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Support Math "Save defaults?" dialog
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Support "Printer Options" dialog
[Michael Weghorn] cui: Resave zoomdialog.ui with glade 3.40
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Support zoom dialog
[Michael Weghorn] svx: Resave delete{footer,header}dialog.ui with glade 3.40
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Support "Delete {Header,Footer}?" dialogs
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Ignore "GtkCellRendererToggle"
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Mike Kaganski] Simplify oslTranslateFileError
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
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- [global-libreoffice-ci] UBSAN Linux Build - Build # 3470 - Successful! · ci
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