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UBSAN Linux Build - Build # 3464 - Successful:

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Changes for Build #3464
[Noel Grandin] hopefully fix the PDF export of alpha once and for all

[Michael Weghorn] vcl: remove SpinButton::ImplInit()

[Michael Weghorn] vcl: move ImplInit into Slider constructor

[Michael Weghorn] vcl: OV_DRAWGRID is not ever set anywhere

[Michael Weghorn] vcl: make variables const in combobox.cxx

[Xisco Fauli] Improve description of new Calc array function arguments

[Armin Le Grand] tdf#164712: ITEM regression: Fix SfxItemSet::Differentiate

[Xisco Fauli] lxml: upgrade to 5.3.1

[Xisco Fauli] language-subtag-registry: upgrade to 2025-02-06

[Caolán McNamara] check once if there are any urn:bails metadata in the document

[Michael Weghorn] vcl: Use enum class instead of int defines for treeview button types

[Michael Weghorn] vcl: Simplify and rename SvTabListBox::SetTabJustify

[Michael Weghorn] vcl: Drop commented code in SvTabListBox::SetTabs

[Michael Weghorn] vcl: Replace use of MYTABMASK in SvTabListBox::SetTabAlignCenter

[Hossein] tdf#164996 Optimize Persian (Farsi) AutoCorrect list

[Justin Luth] tdf#164876 tdf#165117 writerfilter: no dummy paragraphs in header

[Xisco Fauli] libffi: upgrade to 3.4.7

[guibomacdev] tdf#128186 Enable native full screen mode on macOS

[Stephan Bergmann] Shrink critical section into writeModFile

[Noel Grandin] tdf#165080 Background color cells are reset to white

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#153131 wina11y: Return error code when child count exceeds max long

[Caolán McNamara] cut down the amount of GetBaseModel querying

[Xisco Fauli] gpgme: upgrade to 1.24.2

[Noel Grandin] optimise CairoCommon::drawMask

[Samuel Mehrbrodt] Logo on should link to itself

[Andras Timar] cool#11123 disable .uno:FillDown (invoked by Ctrl+D) in read-only

[Andras Timar] disable invoking Search and Replace dialog (by Ctrl+H) in read-only

[Andras Timar] disable resetting cell attributes (by Ctrl+M) in read-only spreadsheets

[Justin Luth] tdf#165040 tdf#143899 compat15 layout: restrict body fly #2

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#164712: sw_odfexport: Add unittest

[rafael.palma.lima] tdf#164685 Cleanup SfxItemSetFixed - Part 3
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