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UBSAN Linux Build - Build # 3460 - Fixed:

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Changes for Build #3459
[Michael Stahl] tdf#161168 Improve constant repetitive loop thread

[Miklos Vajna] Make sure that certain accelerator files are included for LOK case.

[Xisco Fauli] sw: test paragraph style clone formatting

[Stephan Bergmann] Update the reference rdbs to libreoffice-

[Stephan Bergmann] external/firebird: Drop -fno-rtti from sanitizer builds

[Armin Le Grand] tdf#164745 fix SfxStateCache

Changes for Build #3460
[szymon.klos] jsdialog: toolbar set_item_active method

[Stephan Bergmann] Disambiguate pattern rules in

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Fix parent-relative cell coords

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Use comphelper::OAccessibleComponentHelper

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Don't report EditBrowseBoxTableCell as its own parent

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Use recursive mutex

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Merge helper function into only caller

[Michael Weghorn] a11y: Rename IAccessibleTableProvider::GetFieldRectPixel

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Drop '_bOnScreen' param

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox: Convert dispatch ID defines to enum class

[Michael Weghorn] a11y: Drop now unused IAccessibleTableProvider::GetWindowExtentsAbsolute

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Convert local helper to class method

[Michael Weghorn] sw: Drop SwEntryBrowseBox_Base typedef

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Use ImplInheritanceHelper for cell

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Let AccessibleBrowseBox implement XAccessible

[Michael Weghorn] a11y: Move AccessibleBrowseBox* headers to global vcl include dir

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Call AccessibleBrowseBox* ctors directly

[Julien Nabet] Fix typo

[Julien Nabet] Fix typo

[Julien Nabet] Fix typo

[Julien Nabet] Fix typo

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Support Base dialogs asking to save changes

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#130857 qt weld: Convert accelerator when setting label text

[Miklos Vajna] writerfilter: fix crash in DomainMapperTableHandler::endTable()

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox: Drop unnecessary const_cast

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Drop IAccessibleBrowseBox iface

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Use "x" prefix for rtl::Reference

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Drop AccessibleBrowseBoxAccess

[Michael Weghorn] browsebox a11y: Use reference to concrete EditBrowseBoxTableCellAccess

[Michael Weghorn] editbrowsebox.cxx: Drop extra indentation level

[Stephan Bergmann] external/firebird: Avoid ODR violation issues from sanitizer builds
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