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Tinderbox on Master for MacOSX - Build # 52567 - Still Failing:
Identified problems:
* c++ error (generic): error: unused parameter 'pGraphic' [-Werror,-Wunused-parameter] in file 
  * Indication 1:

Check console output at to view the results.

Changes for Build #52565
[Noel Grandin] split CreateVirtualDevice into two methods

Changes for Build #52566
[Thorsten Behrens] fix regression from 075560420a7aa238182e2d80dfe1c5fbaad3edbd

Changes for Build #52567
[Michael Weghorn] No longer use std::optional for SfxModule::CreateStyleFamilies

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#165002 sidebar a11y: Set a11y names for styles tool buttons

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#165002 sidebar a11y: Set a11y names for "Styles" toolbar items in

[Michael Weghorn] gtk4 a11y: Terminate gtk_accessible_update_property params

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#165002 sidebar a11y: Set a11y name on sidebar deck buttons

[Michael Weghorn] sidebar: Have sidebar deck tooltip only set on its button

[Michael Weghorn] a11y: Drop obsolete comment mentioning IAccessibleTabListBox

[Michael Weghorn] vcl: SvHeaderTabListBox: Pass HeaderBar in ctor

[Michael Weghorn] cui: Drop unnecessary forward declarations

[Michael Weghorn] vcl: Merge LclHeaderTabListBox into SvHeaderTabListBox

[Michael Weghorn] fpicker: Drop unused SvTabListBox forward decl
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