UBSAN Linux Build - Build # 3175 - Successful:
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Changes for Build #3175
[Noel Grandin] use more officecfg in CanvasFactory
[Noel Grandin] use more officecfg in DefaultNumberingProvider
[Stephan Bergmann] tdf#70526 Provide start up time measurements
[Gabor Kelemen] Drop unnecessary ConfigurationAccess
[Caolán McNamara] WaE: C6011 Dereferencing NULL pointer warnings
[Noel Grandin] use more officecfg in OSDBCDriverManager
[Noel Grandin] use more officecfg in SvObjectServerList
[nemeth] tdf#44293 sw AutoCorrect: fix Portuguese ordinal indicators
[nemeth] tdf#156792 sw Catalan AutoCorrect: no superscript ordinal indicator
[Caolán McNamara] add explicit png build dependency to xpdfimport
[Caolán McNamara] tdf#161073 handle is supposed to be freed automatically on failure
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:ostr in svgio
[Miklos Vajna] tdf#160952 sw: ignore top margin only at page top, not e.g. table top
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:ostr in toolkit
[michael.meeks] lok: use of lok random hook in NSS.
[Olivier Hallot] Review RANDARRAY arguments explanation
[Miklos Vajna] tdf#161083 sw continuous endnotes: fix layout with a section at doc end
[Michael Stahl] tdf#160897 sw: layout: fail SwTabFrame::Split on footnote overlap
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:ostr in ucb
[Eike Rathke] Resolves: tdf#160985 Max integer representation for
[Eike Rathke] Unit test for tdf#160985
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:ostr in xmlsecurity
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:ostr in xmlhelp
[guibomacdev] tdf#160690 set an opaque alpha mask for non-transparent frames
[balazs.varga.extern] tdf#126573 Add Excel2021 array function UNIQUE to Calc
[michael.meeks] lok: get faster ModifiedStatus from the core.
[Hossein] tdf#158337 Use C++20 std::erase instead of std::remove followed by erase
[Xisco Fauli] Java-WebSocket: Upgrade to 1.5.6
[Gabor Kelemen] Use less SdOptionsSnapItem->IsRotate/SetRotate
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:ostr in xmloff
[Caolán McNamara] lok: don't show separator conversion dialog
[Caolán McNamara] WaE: C6011 Dereferencing NULL pointer warnings
[Xisco Fauli] lpsolve: remove obsolete dmake patch
[Justin Luth] NFC typo: rename to consistent bFirstLineOfstSet
[20001722] Fix typo
[20001722] Fix typo
[20001722] Fix typo
[20001722] Fix typo
[20001722] Fix typo in code
[20001722] Fix typo
[20001722] Fix typo in code
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
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- [global-libreoffice-ci] UBSAN Linux Build - Build # 3175 - Successful! · ci
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