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Tinderbox on Master for MacOSX-DbgUtil - Build # 39091 - Fixed:

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Changes for Build #39077
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Changes for Build #39078
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Changes for Build #39079
No changes

Changes for Build #39080
No changes

Changes for Build #39081
No changes

Changes for Build #39082
No changes

Changes for Build #39083
No changes

Changes for Build #39084
No changes

Changes for Build #39085
No changes

Changes for Build #39086
No changes

Changes for Build #39087
No changes

Changes for Build #39088
No changes

Changes for Build #39089
No changes

Changes for Build #39090
No changes

Changes for Build #39091
[Miklos Vajna] CppunitTest_sw_ooxmlimport: use more SwParaPortion::dumpAsXml()

[Stephan Bergmann] external/cairo: Remove dead code from cairo.RGB24_888.patch

[Noel Grandin] no need to use unique_ptr for this map in chart::CommandDispatch

[Noel Grandin] assert SwContentNodeIndex passed to SwTextNode are actually also on that

[Noel Grandin] tdf#150712: Format->Conditional->Condition 100% CPU (2nd try)
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