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Callgrind Linux - Build # 12709 - Failure:
unmatched error

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Changes for Build #12698
[Julien Nabet] Removed executable bits from source file

Changes for Build #12699
[Tomaž Vajngerl] VBA Fix Color mapping issues

Changes for Build #12700
[Hossein] tdf#147868 Disable add sheet when structure is protected

[Julien Nabet] Removed executable bits on doc file

[Julien Nabet] Fix typo

[Caolán McNamara] ofz#49217 height_sp member, etc unused

[Caolán McNamara] ofz#45551 Out-of-memory

Changes for Build #12701
[Miklos Vajna] sw: prefix members of SwCharURLPage, SwParagraphNumTabPage, Xst and Xstz

[Miklos Vajna] sw content controls, plain text: add DOCX export

[Miklos Vajna] vcl: fix assert fail on invalid user input in the vcl::WindowData ctor

[Miklos Vajna] sw content controls, plain text: add DOCX import

Changes for Build #12702
[Noel Grandin] use more o3tl::span

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:moveit

[Mike Kaganski] A bit of RAII

[Noel Grandin] SwIndex/SwIndexReg is only used to deal with SwContentNodes

[Mike Kaganski] Some refactor

[Noel Grandin] rename SwIndex->SwContentIndex

[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules

[Mike Kaganski] Handle Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+Y in Math graphic window correctly

Changes for Build #12703
[aron.budea] Send state changes of content control UNO commands to LOK

[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules

[Noel Grandin] tdf#119840 HideIterator no need to always call GetRedlinePos

[rb.henschel] tdf#135953 move txXfrm to compensate TextRotateAngle

Changes for Build #12704
[Noel Grandin] simplify some use of SwPosition

[Noel Grandin] elide some temporaries when constructing SwPosition

[Miklos Vajna] sw: extend SwPaM documentation

[Noel Grandin] SwContentIndex: move the const_cast inside

[Miklos Vajna] sw content controls, plain text: add insert UI

[Caolán McNamara] Resolves: tdf#149127 explain the infobar asking to refresh master

[szymon.klos] jsdialog: add open/close instead of toggle menu from dropdown

[szymon.klos] jsdialog: formulabar: dont send huge paragraph id when not found

[Miklos Vajna] crashtest: fix crash on ODT export of forum-mso-de-84211.docx

[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules

[szymon.klos] jsdialog: handle grab_focus action

[Tomaž Vajngerl] oox export: add export of basic properties of a data table

[Michael Stahl] tdf#150017 sw: Replace should not shorten bookmarks

Changes for Build #12706
[szymon.klos] lok: formulabar: handle mobile IME

[szymon.klos] MarkColumns should modify formula if editing is active

[szymon.klos] lok: allow shrinking too big widgets

[szymon.klos] lok: don't force formulabar update on every view switch

[Miklos Vajna] sw reqif-xhtml export: fix duplicated bookmark names in fragments

[Noel Grandin] elide some temporaries when constructing SwPosition

[Michael Stahl] tdf#150017 sw: allow editing bookmark text in Insert->Bookmarks dialog

[Michael Stahl] tdf#150017 vcl,sw: add UITest

[tml] FreetypeManager::m_nMaxFontId is unused

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#150145 text appears to have a row of pixels cropped out

[Michael Weghorn] tdf#150104 Store full printer/driver name in doc's JobSetup

[Noel Grandin] make SwNodeIndex as SAL_WARN_UNUSED

[Noel Grandin] convert CRSR_SKIP_* to typed enum

[Noel Grandin] no need to allocate here

[Noel Grandin] tools::Long->sal_Int32 in SwCursor::m_nRowSpanOffset

[Noel Grandin] sal_uLong->sal_Int32 in the Find/Search methods

[Eike Rathke] Set interpreter's push stack MAXSTACK to 512, not limited to

[raykowj] tdf#149916 revert to showing text of referenced text node

[Miklos Vajna] CppunitTest_sw_ooxmlexport12: use more SwParaPortion::dumpAsXml()

[Julien Nabet] Fix typos

[Tomaž Vajngerl] o3tl: use std::array as the container for enumarray

[Andreas Heinisch] tdf#67669 - Make narrow no-break space visible by drawing a gray

[Michael Weghorn] Make AccessibilityTools available more widely and use it

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#149439 Update Custom values that may have changed since last printer

Changes for Build #12707
[Rene Engelhard] rename GODSON/GODSON64 to MIPS/MIPS64

[Rene Engelhard] HPPA is 32bit

[Thorsten Behrens] tdf#150161: senddoc: use corrected name url: original can be a file path

[Julien Nabet] tdf#150089: not all databases know "RESTART WITH"

[Caolán McNamara] gtk4: fill in more of this menu related stub

[Caolán McNamara] gtk4: don't use an arrow for the gtk3->gtk4 menus

[Miklos Vajna] sw content controls, plain text: send state changes to LOK

[Tomaž Vajngerl] chart2: add char properties to the DataTable model

[Michael Weghorn] Fix comparing some Writer objects

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#108560 horribly slow to paste many lines into editeng with a11y

[Michael Weghorn] Don't use magic numbers or off-range enum values

[Michael Weghorn] Better report unknown constant names by including their values

[Michael Stahl] sw: SolarMutexGuard missing in SwXBookmark::setPropertyValue()

[Noel Grandin] tdf#119840 elide some dynamic_cast

[Michael Stahl] sw: delete bookmark if paragraph is fully selected

[Noel Grandin] tdf#119840 Store pointer to redline

[Eike Rathke] Name FilteredRow what it is, not hidden; tdf#117276 follow-up

[Eike Rathke] FilteredRow is not a property of the column, tdf#117276 follow-up

[Miklos Vajna] tdf#148291 sw clearing breaks: fix RTL layout

[Eike Rathke] Unnecessary to remember mbFiltering at column, tdf#140968 tdf#140978

[Caolán McNamara] gtk4: for gtk4 set the size of both layers of the overlay

Changes for Build #12709
[Mike Kaganski] Enable Math sidebar panels for JSInstanceBuilder

[Mike Kaganski] lok: Enable sidebar in Math

[Mike Kaganski] lok: Properly update sidebar context in Math

[Noel Grandin] tdf#119840 remove some OUString allocation

[Noel Grandin] tdf#119840 reduce OUString allocation

[Rene Engelhard] work around rounding difference on i386 in descriptiveStatistics test

[Noel Grandin] clang-tidy modernize-pass-by-value in xml*

[Caolán McNamara] gtk4: use GtkPopovers to replace popups

[Noel Grandin] tdf#119840 elide some allocations

[Noel Grandin] these classes can be final

[Julien Nabet] tdf#119246: Dimensions dialog has wrong values in several fields

[jluth] remove unused SETBULLETTEXT flag in editeng

[michael.meeks] lok: add dumpState feature for better in-field diagnostics.

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#150181 vcl: first column is editable by default in SvTabListBox

[Tomaž Vajngerl] chart2: set the char props. to the cells of a data table from model

[Tomaž Vajngerl] tdf#143148 tools: Use pragma once instead of include guards

[Tomaž Vajngerl] Use bitmap width instead of scanline size in combineScanlineChannels

[Tomaž Vajngerl] vcl: Animation - cleanup pause functions and fields

[Caolán McNamara] gtk4: don't attempt to create a visual junction between float and

[Christian Lohmaier] pdfium: fix build on windows aarch64 - no __popcnt
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