UBSAN Linux Build - Build # 2398 - Successful:
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Changes for Build #2398
[Miklos Vajna] CppunitTest_sw_layoutwriter: use more SwParaPortion::dumpAsXml()
[Noel Grandin] reserve space in map in SvXMLNamespaceMap
[Miklos Vajna] sw content controls, dropdown: add LOK API
[Stephan Bergmann] Pick a better type for the GetAttrib nAttr parameter
[Xisco Fauli] tdf#148706: map value prop in numericfield to text
[Stephan Bergmann] Remove need for two typedefs
[Noel Grandin] tdf#121740 reduce cost of mathml parsing
[Noel Grandin] add SvStream::ReadLine(OStringBuffer... to reduce OString allocation
[Stephan Bergmann] Use calloc instead of malloc and memset
[Armin.Le.Grand] Advanced Diagram support: Secure Redo, evtl. flush Redo-Stack
[Bartosz Kosiorek] tdf#142261 EMF+ Add support for Miter Limit
[Noel Grandin] tdf#121740 cheaper to clear namespacemap rather than allocating
[Noel Grandin] use vector as backing for stack
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Miklos Vajna] sw content controls, dropdown: add an initial properties dialog
[Ilmari Lauhakangas] Add mold linker temp files to .gitignore
[Xisco Fauli] tdf#148863: sc_uicalc: Add unittest
[Xisco Fauli] CppunitTest_sc_uicalc: simplify code a bit
[Michael Stahl] officecfg,stoc: allow running JVM UNO components out-of-process
[Luboš Luňák] make ScSortedRangeCache-based queries work with mbMatchEmpty
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Caolán McNamara] Related: tdf#148197 gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell needs either path or
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Caolán McNamara] tdf#149074 SvHeaderTabListBox not handling lack of preset column widths
[Mike Kaganski] std::mutex->std::recursive_mutex in SvtUserOptions
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