lo_win_daily_symbols - Build # 759 - Failure:
unmatched error
Check console output at https://ci.libreoffice.org/job/lo_win_daily_symbols/759/ to view the
Changes for Build #759
[raykowj] SwNavigator: Improve list order for text fields in text frames
[raykowj] SwNavigator: Improve ordering of hyperlinks in text frames
[Luboš Luňák] fix horizontal Calc cursor skipping
[Luboš Luňák] reduce Calc's INITIALCOLCOUNT to 1
[Luboš Luňák] better debug font compare in SalLayoutGlyphsImpl
[Luboš Luňák] don't cut a glyph subset inside a composed glyph
[Luboš Luňák] check kashida only if the flag is set
[Miklos Vajna] sd theme: add PPTX import for shape fill color effects
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Stephan Bergmann] Fix determining ZXING_CFLAGS for --with-system-zxing
[Heiko Tietze] tdf#144788 Split up footnotes and endnotes in Navigator
[Noel Grandin] use more string_view in idlc
[Luboš Luňák] make SalLayoutGlyphsImpl::cloneCharRange() work for RTL runs too
[Noel Grandin] use more string_view in unodevtools
[Noel Grandin] use more string_view in i18nlangtag
[nemeth] tdf#100680 sw DOCX compatibility: fix wrap of as_char flys
[Miklos Vajna] sw content controls, checkbox: add DOCX export
[Luboš Luňák] make some LogicalFontInstance functions const
[Luboš Luňák] include LogicalFontInstance font scale in SalLayoutGlyphsCache key
[Julien Nabet] tdf#74331: 16bit "min-is-black" tiff not loaded correctly
[Xisco Fauli] tdf#37864, tdf#147496: sc: Add UItest
[Noel Grandin] use more string_view in comphelper
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Luboš Luňák] don't cut a glyph subset inside a composed glyph #2
[Luboš Luňák] use the same TextLayoutCache for the verifying call
[Luboš Luňák] add a hack to SalLayoutGlyphsImpl::cloneCharRange() for a strange glyph
[Noel Grandin] use more string_view in tools::Color
[Noel Grandin] use more string_view in tools::SvGlobalName
[Julien Nabet] Fix typo
[Noel Grandin] use more string_view in tools::INetMIME
[Caolán McNamara] set default cjk/ctl fonts for cppunit tests that exist in "more fonts"
[Caolán McNamara] override default "Segoe UI" for UI_SANS for cppunit tests
[Caolán McNamara] Engravers MT -> DejaVu Sans for repeatable results
[Caolán McNamara] Thorndale -> Liberation Serif for repeatable results
[sdc.blanco] tdf#148593 Rename two Horizontal "to" position options for Shape/Image
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Bartosz Kosiorek] Add initial support OfficeArtBlip TIFF format
[Caolán McNamara] set CJK_HEADING and CTL_HEADING for cppunit tests to something from
[Noel Grandin] use more string_view in ucbhelper
[Xisco Fauli] tdf#74331: vcl_filters: Add unittest
[Caolán McNamara] Linux Libertine -> Linux Libertine G for repeatable results
[Caolán McNamara] avoid a glyph fallback in writerlayout test
[Thorsten Behrens] Fix system-nss: add hasht.h header back
[Eike Rathke] tdf#137899 sc: accept any unfinished editing before adding sheet
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