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lo_daily_tb_win_7-3 - Build # 73 - Fixed:

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Changes for Build #67
[Xisco Fauli] tdf#147115 writerfilter: style is only default if default=true

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#137675 PPTX export: adding missing fill="none" to a:path

[Xisco Fauli] fix std::min() used instead of std::max()

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#147006 sw_fieldmarkhide: fix crash when deleting fly with fieldmark

[Michael Stahl] tdf#137920 sw: avoid layout loop when inserting at-char anchored large

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#112209 PPTX import: fix grayscale effect on image filled shape

[Michael Stahl] ensure bounds checking

[Michael Stahl] read of width/height uses wrong record size

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#146742 - Move the initialization code of a method to SbMethod::Call

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#146822 OOXML: fix export of the transparency in hatch fill

[Xisco Fauli] Avoid calling AVX code in library static initialization

Changes for Build #68
[Michael Weghorn] rhbz#2047319 drop the SolarMutex before QApplication::init()

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#147119:Revert "tdf#123973 fix missing MasterPage content in export"

Changes for Build #69
[fitojb] the real font used for 'Roman' is arbitrary

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#147144: Writer crash after adding rectangle, add link and delete it

[fitojb] tdf#125849 cannot modify the ruler unit of measure in translated UI

[Xisco Fauli] fix direct leaks in vcl cppunit tests

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#147088: Also handle U+FFFE, U+FFFF invalid XML 1.0 characters

Changes for Build #70
[jp] ScriptForge - (SF_Calc) fix range parsing error when leading $

[Caolán McNamara] Avoid -Werror=dangling-pointer=

[Caolán McNamara] We no longer know how to contact TLX anyway

[rizmut] Colibre: New large Text Direction icons

Changes for Build #71
[fitojb] Resolves: tdf#147218 label doesn't have use-underline set

Changes for Build #72
[fitojb] Resolves: tdf#74577 tdf#92960 Create missing offsets in very outer table

Changes for Build #73
[Michael Stahl] WaE: angle[1|2] may be used uninitialized [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]

[Michael Stahl] qt5: crash entering ë with french IM

[Michael Stahl] WaE: storing the address of local variable [-Wdangling-pointer]

[Michael Stahl] this test is endian-dependant

[Michael Stahl] this test assumes KacstBook has no Latin glyphs

[Michael Stahl] test fails with both fedora KacstBook and bundled KacstBook installed

[Xisco Fauli] Revert "tdf#145030 resync with empty selection if we unselected

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#147032 unselect anything set_cursor selected as its side-effect

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#145030 if all in effects list is unselected retain last marked obj

[Caolán McNamara] fix big-endian hsql to firebird migration

[Andras Timar] ofz#44471 crash in isMoved if re-insert of invalid range failed
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