Lcov report generator for master - Build # 1797 - Still Failing:
unmatched error
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Changes for Build #1796
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Noel Grandin] improve ImpConvertContainedTextToSdrPathObjs
[Noel Grandin] updatePathFromSdrPathObj can just call getRange
[Noel Grandin] improve ViewContactOfGraphic::createViewIndependentPrimitive2DSequence
[Noel Grandin] use visitor in ViewObjectContact::createPrimitive2DSequence
[Luboš Luňák] move entire ScTable::ValidQuery() into (Sc)QueryEvaluator
[Luboš Luňák] fix caching of ScQueryItem values for multiple entries (tdf#146037)
[laurent.balland-poirier] tdf#143956 Remove page size of Writer templates
[laurent.balland-poirier] tdf#143956 Remove page size of Writer templates 2
[laurent.balland-poirier] tdf#143956 Remove page size of Writer templates 4
[Luboš Luňák] generate a thumbnail to save without a metafile
[Luboš Luňák] increase maximum document thumbnail size from 256 to 512
[Noel Grandin] speed up property access in charts
[Caolán McNamara] don't build lockfile if using external LOCKFILE
[Caolán McNamara] cid#1494630 #1 rearrange to demo Logically dead code
[Caolán McNamara] cid#1494630 #2 rearrange to demo Logically dead code
[Caolán McNamara] cid#1494630 #3 rearrange to demo Logically dead code
[Caolán McNamara] cid#1494630 Logically dead code
[Caolán McNamara] cid#1494630 #4 rearrange to demo Logically dead code
[Caolán McNamara] cid#1494630 #5 rearrange to demo Logically dead code
[Caolán McNamara] cid#1494630 in the end bMirrored ->
[Noel Grandin] remove OMultiTypeInterfaceContainerHelperVar2
Changes for Build #1797
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Jan-Marek Glogowski] Fix lockfile compiler warnings
[Miklos Vajna] sw: prefix members of SwAnchorMarker, SwEditWin, SwShadowCursor and ...
[Miklos Vajna] PPTX export: handle theme color of shape text with effects
[Jan-Marek Glogowski] concat-deps: ignore /./ segments in input paths
[Jan-Marek Glogowski] VCL always use nullptr terminated plugin lists
[Mike Kaganski] Add a bit to the WEEKS comment
[Jan-Marek Glogowski] tdf#128715 fix tools::Time::GetMonotonicTicks() on 32-bit linux
[Hossein] tdf#143148 Use pragma once instead of include guards
[Luboš Luňák] rename In() to Contains()
[Luboš Luňák] slightly simpler Intersects() check
[Luboš Luňák] use sc::AutoCalcSwitch
[Luboš Luňák] make it clearer that ScHint is modified
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:stringliteraldefine in starmath
[Jan-Marek Glogowski] tabs to spaces
[Tomaž Vajngerl] Add image preffered DPI document setting, use it in Writer, Impress
[tml] Revert "tdf#145354: Ensure displayed paper name matches displayed paper
[Noel Grandin] only collect hitstack if we actually need it
[Noel Grandin] skip some intermediate results in
[Jan-Marek Glogowski] Limit static system library linking to fuzzers
[Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#145671 Don't open URL twice in cell edit mode
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:stringliteraldefine in sd
[Stephan Bergmann] cid#1494595,1494597: Silence UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT
[Caolán McNamara] tdf#145892 disable failing assert in additional icu khmer patch
[Jan-Marek Glogowski] Drop ENABLE_FUZZERS from
[Noel Grandin] map->unordered_map in PropertyMapper
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Luboš Luňák] try to broadcast in bulk (tdf#119083)
[Luboš Luňák] process broadcasts for adjacent cells together (tdf#119083)
[Stephan Bergmann] Adapt CppunitTest_cppcanvas_emfplus
[Luboš Luňák] a large but clipped image may still be cached from a previous call
[Thorsten Behrens] tdf#143422 Hide "Hyphenation data not found" in Japanese
[Caolán McNamara] an empty $LOCKFILE means build our own
[Caolán McNamara] tdf#138999 only grab keyboard and not pointing devices
[Caolán McNamara] Revert "cid1494597 silence Uncaught exception"
[Stephan Bergmann] Work around two -Werror=implicit-fallthrough=
[Stephan Bergmann] Better workaround for ASan use-after-poison
[Jan-Marek Glogowski] gbuild: create services.rdb from built components
[Noel Grandin] Revert "lose the caching in ViewObjectContact" because it breaks...
[Julien Nabet] Fix typos
[Caolán McNamara] ofz: Use-of-uninitialized-value
[Caolán McNamara] don't want to link to system static libs for DISABLE_DYNLOADING
[Thorsten Behrens] Retire build-nocheck
[Stephan Bergmann] signed-integer-overflow
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