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UBSAN Linux Build - Build # 2101 - Fixed:

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Changes for Build #2100
[quikee] sw: remove all uses of MM50 with (added) o3tl::toTwip

[Stephan Bergmann] Missing include

[Stephan Bergmann] Mark external/harfbuzz/negativeadvance.patch as sent upstream

[Miklos Vajna] tdf#142845 editeng: don't update selection when formatting before sd

[quikee] indexing: add support for SdrObjects in SearchResultLocator

[quikee] indexing: add "type" to the xml for paragraph nodes

[bjoern.michaelsen] give SwTableBoxFormat::TableBoxAttributeChanged its own function

[quikee] indexing: use XML as input that is identical to indexing XML

[Thorsten Behrens] sw: removed unused NO_NUMLEVEL

[Stephan Bergmann] Upgrade external/boost to latest Boost 1.76.0

[Noel Grandin] no need to use unique_ptr for NamespaceDefine here

[quikee] Add Handler for Bmp Write

[quikee] Add Handler for BmpScale Write

[quikee] Add Handler for BmpScalePart Write

[quikee] Add Handler for BmpEx Write

[quikee] Add Handler for BmpExScale Write

[quikee] Add Handler for BmpExScalePart Write

[Caolán McNamara] oss-fuzz: can use system ucpp

[Mike Kaganski] Delete copy ctors/assignments for DLLEXPORT class

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#143759: sc: Add UItest

[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules

[Noel Grandin] flatten PropertySetInfo a little

[Andreas Heinisch] tdf#143707 - Change strategy to support suffix type characters

[mert.tumer] lok: Avoid redundant call to UpdateConfigurations

[Christian Lohmaier] update credits

[Noel Grandin] flatten ImpGraphic a little

[Noel Grandin] flatten Accelerator a little

[Caolán McNamara] for DISABLE_DYNLOADING support linking to static .a system libs

[Stephan Bergmann] Catch exceptions when setting up linguistic extensions

[Noel Grandin] no need to use unique_ptr for SvxRTFStyleType here

[Xisco Fauli] Revert "tdf#58521 Enable ContinuousEndnotes compat option for RTF too"

[Xisco Fauli] Revert "tdf#58521 DOCX import: enable ContinuousEndnotes compat flag"

[Noel Grandin] tdf#136991 Open RTF with colored text

[Stephan Bergmann] Replace a use of boost::logic::tribool with std::call_once

[Noel Grandin] flatten ImplImageTree a little

[Noel Grandin] can return OInterfaceIteratorHelper2 by value here

[Stephan Bergmann] pAvailGrammarSvcs can never be null here

[Caolán McNamara] use rtl::math::expm1 instead of boost::math::expm1

[Michael Stahl] tdf#143148 Replaced #include guards with #pragma once.

[Stephan Bergmann] Simplify init-/deInitSysTray even further

[Caolán McNamara] drop final boost::noncopyable use

[Caolán McNamara] boost::make_tuple->std::make_tuple

[Caolán McNamara] use o3tl::hash_combine

[Caolán McNamara] gtk4: remove training wheels

[Mike Kaganski] Use nStringSize instead of nStringOff

[Ilmari Lauhakangas] tdf#143148:Use pragma once in store

[Stephan Bergmann] Clean up remaining uses of boost::logic::tribool

[Stephan Bergmann] Use boost::make_shared

[Miklos Vajna] embeddedobj: implement XServiceInfo in the various embedded obj

[Ilmari Lauhakangas] tdf#143148 Use pragma once in sdext

[Caolán McNamara] add some --disable-scripting fixes

[kainz.a] tdf#136610 Add Clone/Clear Direct Format buttons to LO Draw tabbed

[Mike Kaganski] No need in this function

[Eike Rathke] There is no LANGUAGE_ENGLISH {en} locale but LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US {en-US}

Changes for Build #2101
[quikee] convert some LogicToLogic calls to use o3tl::convert instead

[raykowj] tdf#143577 check node is a text node before use as such

[Mike Kaganski] Deduplicate number read/write

[Miklos Vajna] CppunitTest_sw_ooxmlexport2..5: avoid

[Noel Grandin] no need to allocate AllSettings separately in ImplSVAppData

[quikee] sw: preserve the value in original units to minimize conv. error

[quikee] svx: cleanup formatting of svdglue.hxx

[quikee] Add Handler for Mask Write

[quikee] Add Handler for MaskScale Write

[quikee] Add Handler for MaskScalePart Write

[quikee] Add Handler for Gradient Write

[quikee] Add Handler for GradientEx Write

[quikee] Add Handler for Hatch Write

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#135247: sw_uiwriter3: Add unittest

[quikee] backendtest:Irregular HalfEllipse test via various drawing methods

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#143769 don't crash on null XFillColorItem

[Noel Grandin] no need to allocate changedValue_ separately

[Noel Grandin] no need to allocate the lookupTableItem separately

[Caolán McNamara] gtk4: use monitor size for workarea

[Noel Grandin] no need to allocate KeyedValues separately

[nemeth] tdf#143583 DOCX import: fix lost empty paragraphs of footnotes

[Mike Kaganski] Drop convertMm100ToTwip in favor of the new o3tl::toTwips

[quikee] sw: fixed regression from [1] - OLE height in mm instead 100th mm

[Michael Stahl] tdf#143148: Use pragma once instead of include guards

[Caolán McNamara] gtk: use explicit GtkBox instead of generic GtkContainer

[Caolán McNamara] gtk4: get startcenter MenuToggleButton working

[Caolán McNamara] add some --disable-scripting fixes

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#139734 Remove redundant asserts after MacrosTest::loadFromDesktop

[Caolán McNamara] gtk4: get startcenter MenuToggleButton menu appearing

[Caolán McNamara] gtk4: fill menu MenuToggleButton menu

[Michael Stahl] xmloff: work around LD_LIBRARY_PATH breaking odfvalidator

[Caolán McNamara] gtk4: add a separator between toggle and menu buttons

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#44278: sw_ooxmlexport16: Add unittest

[Eike Rathke] Resolves: tdf#143809 "INF" may be a named expression or DB area name

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#76310: subsequent_filters: Add unittest

[quikee] Add Handler for Wallpaper Write

[quikee] Add Handler for ClipRegion Write

[quikee] Add Handler for ISectRectClipRegion Write

[quikee] Add Handler for ISectRegionClipRegion Write

[quikee] Add Handler for MoveClipRegion Write

[quikee] Add Handler for LineColor Write
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