Tinderbox on Master for Windows - Build # 30062 - Fixed:
Check console output at https://ci.libreoffice.org/job/lo_tb_master_win/30062/ to view the results.
Changes for Build #30058
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
Changes for Build #30059
[ash] vcl: lok: don't use window impl after destroy
Changes for Build #30060
[sdc.blanco] tdf#128469 add or adjust tooltips for Apply, Reset, Standard in CS
Changes for Build #30061
[Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#141079 Restore double click behavior for script fields
Changes for Build #30062
[Xisco Fauli] tdf#128737: sw_odfimport: Add unittest
[Miklos Vajna] external: update pdfium to 4450
[tml] tdf#141217: Improve plain text pasting on iOS
[tml] tdf#124173: Enable thesauruses in the iOS app
[Andreas Heinisch] tdf#58745 - Detect end of month when extending a date list
[Caolán McNamara] use weld::Box so we can reorder contents
[Michael Stahl] compilerplugins: fix clang plugin allowlists for sccache-dist
[Michael Stahl] tdf#134734 tdf#141059 tdf#122508 cui,sw,xmloff: BackgroundFullSize
[Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#134734 xmloff: ODF import compatibility for BackgroundFullSize
[Mike Kaganski] const OUString -> const OUStringLiteral
[sdc.blanco] adjustment in "Reset to Parent" extended tooltip
[Michael Stahl] tdf#134734 svx,sd: BackgroundFullSize
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