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Lcov report generator for master - Build # 1419 - Failure:
Identified problems:
* broken buildslave - lost connection: seems like the buildslave lost the connection
  * Indication 1:
  * Indication 2:

Check console output at to view the 

Changes for Build #1419
[Noel Grandin] fastparser in XMLEventsImportContext

[Noel Grandin] Changes to the color class

[kainz.a] Colibre icon theme css support for shapes

[kainz.a] Colibre icon theme css support for connectors

[bjoern.michaelsen] callnk: Replace needless SwClientNotifyCall with CallSwClientNotify

[tml] Tentative fix for crash in the iOS app

[tml] Avoid unused parameter 'pImpl'

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module canvas with clang-format

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module filter with clang-format

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module sal with clang-format

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module extensions with clang-format

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module odk with clang-format

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module starmath with clang-format

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module include with clang-format

[Stephan Bergmann] Relax non-null requirement for some rtl_uString_* functions

[Noel Grandin] Corrected my previous mess on mathml export with color export 2.

[Noel Grandin] Added documentation on starmathdatabase.

[Noel Grandin] fastparser in XMLAutoTextContainerEventImport

[Noel Grandin] fastparser in XMLChangeInfoContext

[Jan-Marek Glogowski] firebird: build fixes (incl. parallel build)

[Thorsten Behrens] Fix tdf#138373 scrollbars can now actually be nullptr

[Noel Grandin] remove some prefix and local params from constructors

[tml] Add NotebookbarTabControl

[bjoern.michaelsen] SwEditShell: remove SwIterator hack

[tml] Allow --enable-macosx-sandbox without the codesigning identities

[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules

[Julien Nabet] tdf#124176: Use pragma once instead of include guards

[Muhammet Kara] tdf#124176: Use pragma once instead of include guards

[Muhammet Kara] tdf#124176: Use pragma once instead of include guards

[Julien Nabet] tdf#124176: Use pragma once instead of include guards

[Julien Nabet] tdf#124176: Use pragma once instead of include guards

[Julien Nabet] tdf#124176: Use pragma once instead of include guards

[Julien Nabet] tdf#124176: Use pragma once instead of include guards

[bjoern.michaelsen] Remove SwIterator hack in untable

[Julien Nabet] loplugin:stringviewparam for formulalogger/GroupScope/addMessage (sc)

[kainz.a] Colibre icon theme css support

[Julien Nabet] tdf#124176: Use pragma once instead of include guards

[Caolán McNamara] remove non-functional resize grip at right of basic ide tabbar

[Caolán McNamara] these don't need to include vcl/button.hxx anymore

[bjoern.michaelsen] SaveTable: Replace SwClientNotifyCall

[tml] DesktopLOKTest: cleanup

[tml] sfx2: lok: reliably support multi-documents

[Julien Nabet] tdf#124176: Use pragma once instead of include guards

[tml] Test also that loading more documents after closing all open ones works

[tml] Must now call the lovely SfxViewShell::SetCurrentDocId()

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module vcl with clang-format

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module sfx2 with clang-format

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module compilerplugins with clang-format

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module sdext with clang-format

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module sd with clang-format

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module configmgr with clang-format

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module chart2 with clang-format

[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#123936 Formatting files in module i18npool with clang-format
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