Random Config Linux builder - Build # 2589 - Fixed:
Check console output at https://ci.libreoffice.org/job/lo_tb_random_config_linux/2589/ to view the
Changes for Build #2588
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:stringstatic also look for local statics
[Noel Grandin] use unique_ptr in SwView
[Noel Grandin] use unique_ptr in SfxBindings_Impl
[Noel Grandin] use unique_ptr in SfxObjectShell_Impl
[Noel Grandin] expand out DELETEZ in sfx2
[Noel Grandin] use OUStringLiteral in SfxItemPropertyMapEntry
[Miklos Vajna] connectivity: avoid unnamed parameter
[Noel Grandin] simplify memory management in SfxInPlaceClient_Impl
[Samuel Mehrbrodt] Add "All supported files" filter to extension add dialog
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[riz_17_oke] Karasa Jaga: enlarge Insert Char/Symbol icons, update Ref Field icons
[riz_17_oke] Sifr: icons for Manage Changes
[Stephan Bergmann] gcc3_linux_aarch64 also needs the hack to dynamically adapt to __cxa_exception
[Stephan Bergmann] Document that the deleteException hack is only relevant for LLVM 5, not later
[Muhammet Kara] tdf#133026: Additions: Install Button Handler
[quikee] remove textprimitive2d.cxx from clang-format blacklist
[quikee] remove texteffectprimitive2d.{cxx,hxx} from clang-format blacklist
[quikee] remove polygonprimitive2d.cxx from clang-format blacklist
[Noel Grandin] use unique_ptr in SfxAppData_Impl
[Andrea Gelmini] Fix variable name bAcceptEnmpty
[riz_17_oke] Remove references to missing icons
[Samuel Mehrbrodt] Handle input fields in layout/nodes dump
[Stephan Bergmann] gcc3_linux_{aarch64,x86-64} need the __cxa_exception hack in deleteException
[Miklos Vajna] tdf#135329 sw MS export: remove effectively dead anchoring code
[Michael Stahl] sw: avoid assert when deletion starts at fieldmark end
[Michael Stahl] sw: MS Word export: don't insert section breaks in field instructions
[nemeth] tdf#131420 DOCX export: fix missing border of frame
[Noel Grandin] improve comments around blocks which abort on UI thread event exceptions
[Miklos Vajna] Remove some unused includes
[Julien Nabet] Fix typos
[riz_17_oke] tdf#131456 icon for Portrait orientation in Writer Tabbed UI
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#135500: always use transparent and clear content vdev in impBufferDevice
[riz_17_oke] tdf#135736 icon for More Options in Page Size
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#134968: don't forget to draw on mpAlphaVDev in fallback case
Changes for Build #2589
No changes
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