Tinderbox on Master for Win64-Debug - Build # 26309 - Still Failing:
unmatched error
Check console output at https://ci.libreoffice.org/job/lo_tb_master_win64_dbg/26309/ to view the
Changes for Build #26275
[tamas.zolnai] LOK: send state of ShowResolvedAnnotations
[Andras Timar] LOK: added margin between sidebar and formula-bar
[Caolán McNamara] expand last ImageButton to underlying PushButton
[Caolán McNamara] replace and drop SvtCompatibilityViewOptions
[Michael Stahl] tdf#134250 sw_redlinehide: fix copy non-empty node before non-textnode
[Michael Stahl] tdf#134250 sw_redlinehide: fix Undo with section before table
[Miklos Vajna] sw reqif-xhtml export: avoid writing text-decoration:none
[Caolán McNamara] move ImageButton to toolkit-only headers
[Luboš Luňák] optimize a bit more conversions to/from Skia bitmap formats
[Miklos Vajna] tdf#59674 Word export: set a tabstop at numbering IndentAt
[Miklos Vajna] tdf#115753 fix table border missing when there are merged cells
[Stephan Bergmann] Further timing issues with test_insert_hyperlink
[Caolán McNamara] drop newly unused SvtFontOptions
[Caolán McNamara] sd_component_getFactory no longer exists
[Luboš Luňák] allocate bitmap data buffer on demand in SkiaSalBitmap
[Michael Weghorn] Removed executable permission on file
[Caolán McNamara] tdf#133958 only move the selection to the error if its not already there
[Caolán McNamara] ofz#24404 row insert attempt in table with same table already in the row
[Caolán McNamara] replace and drop SvtPrintWarningOptions
[Julien Nabet] Fix typo
[Julien Nabet] Fix typo
[Julien Nabet] Fix typo
[Julien Nabet] Removed duplicated include
[Caolán McNamara] drop lines that don't do anything
[Caolán McNamara] replace and drop MiscCfg
[Jan-Marek Glogowski] configure: fix TLS result output
[Jan-Marek Glogowski] Add verbose climaker output
[Jan-Marek Glogowski] WIN fix detection of user-passed, wrong 32bit JDK
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#135264: draw to mpAlphaVDev after DrawTransparentNatively
[Caolán McNamara] replace and drop SvtExtendedSecurityOptions class
[Caolán McNamara] [API CHANGE] officecfg: remove SecureExtensions
[Caolán McNamara] ignore invalid dates like the vcl Calendar does
Changes for Build #26276
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sc/ui/Accessibility
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sc/core/tool
[Christian Lohmaier] update credits
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sc/filter/xml
[Christian Lohmaier] tdf#130154: update locale data for Estonian [et-EE] - follow-up
[Caolán McNamara] use a EditControl now
[Caolán McNamara] dynamic_cast followed by static_cast
[Caolán McNamara] move SetReadOnly into ControlBase as SetEditableReadOnly
[Caolán McNamara] use 0 as the limit-less case
[Caolán McNamara] automatic layout height is sufficient for the toc CtrlParentWin
[Caolán McNamara] update svtools pch
[Caolán McNamara] center the filter checkbox like the normal one
[Stephan Bergmann] Port to FreeBSD aarch64
[Caolán McNamara] update DbFilterField to use the new replacement controls
[Xisco Fauli] tdf#134250 add unit test
[Noel Grandin] i18npool: create instances with uno constructors
[Noel Grandin] expand out macro
Changes for Build #26277
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#135244: move LockAllViews to SfxObjectShell
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#135244: prevent jumping to cursor at document render
Changes for Build #26278
[quikee] svx: GalleryObjectCollection shared class and related refactoring work
Changes for Build #26279
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#135244: prevent jumping when generating drop caps preview
Changes for Build #26280
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sc/ui
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#135244: don't jump when updating counts
Changes for Build #26281
[Miklos Vajna] sw: extract createDoc() from various test suites to a single getSwDoc()
Changes for Build #26282
[Noel Grandin] make some classes private
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sc/core/data
Changes for Build #26283
[Noel Grandin] fix shutdown crash in basic
[Noel Grandin] fix comment
[Xisco Fauli] tdf#133967: sw_uiwriter: Add unittest
Changes for Build #26284
[Noel Grandin] terminate XDesktop properly in unit tests
[Caolán McNamara] rhbz#1861794 csv fixed width import missing split handle
[Miklos Vajna] DOCX import: fix overlapping floating tables when anchored inside a
[Michael Stahl] (related: tdf#134252) sw: fix assert when moving mouse pointer
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#38093 Writer outline folding - feature sensitivity
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#38093 Writer outline folding - outline visibility and on canvas ui
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#38093 Writer outline folding - ctrl + click toggle visibility
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#38093 Writer outline folding - .uno:ToggleOutlineContentVisibility
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#38093 Writer outline folding - Navigator UI
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#38093 Writer outline folding - persistence
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/uibase/sidebar..sw/uibase/uno
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/uibase/utl..sw/uibase/wrtsh
[Michael Stahl] tdf#134252 sw_redlinehide: fix SwUndoDelete for table before end of
[Mike Kaganski] Resolves: tdf#134831 reorg to expand inspector to fit full panel size
[Jan-Marek Glogowski] Add an optional Gerrit change ID to testfeature
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/uibase/shells
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Noel Grandin] fix leak in Mork::OResultSet
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/uibase/fldui..sw/uibase/ribbar
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/uibase/app..sw/uibase/config
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/uibase/dbui..sw/uibase/envelp
[Stephan Bergmann] ASan/UBSan build still needs DateField RTTI
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedmethods
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Noel Grandin] inline some use-once typedefs
Changes for Build #26285
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/ui/dialog..sw/ui/table
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/filter/xml
Changes for Build #26286
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/ui/dbui
Changes for Build #26287
[Stephan Bergmann] ASan/UBSan build still needs VCLXEdit RTTI
Changes for Build #26288
[Noel Grandin] dbaccess: create instances with uno constructors
Changes for Build #26289
[riz_17_oke] tdf#134887 NewToolbarController: Use different icons for extra large
[riz_17_oke] Sukapura: Update Save icons to make it crisp
Changes for Build #26290
[Miklos Vajna] sw: introduce a Library_swqahelper
Changes for Build #26291
[Xisco Fauli] tdf#81567 : sw_ooxmlexport14: Add unittest
Changes for Build #26292
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/core/unocore
Changes for Build #26293
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedmethods
[Caolán McNamara] add queue_draw to force redraw with custom rendering
[Caolán McNamara] tdf#135317 avoid reenterence
Changes for Build #26294
[Michael Stahl] tdf#134436 sw: fix SwUndoDelete::RedoImpl() with section at end...
[Miklos Vajna] oox smartart: consider rules when scaling in linear layout
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/filter/ww8
Changes for Build #26295
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/core/undo
Changes for Build #26296
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/core/view..sw/core/html
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/core/txtnode
[Noel Grandin] fix leak in CppunitTest_cppcanvas_test
[szymon.klos] Notebookbar: skip early init
[Noel Grandin] add valgrind suppression file
Changes for Build #26297
[Caolán McNamara] avoid config for fuzzing
Changes for Build #26298
[Michael Stahl] tdf#134931 sw_redlinehide: fix layout following paste of table
[Xisco Fauli] tdf#135321: fix crash when right click empty in Command list
[Caolán McNamara] if the default renderer was editable, make the custom one editable too
[Michael Stahl] tdf#134965 sw: avoid RemoveFollowFlowLine() SNAFU
[Michael Weghorn] tdf#135212 Don't crash when unable to create clipboard
[Caolán McNamara] ofz#24527 fix pptfuzzer
[Caolán McNamara] ofz#24521 fix qpwfuzzer
[Caolán McNamara] missing icon for filter navigator field expander icon
[Miklos Vajna] oox smartart, linear layout: correctly scale spacings wrt constraints
[quikee] svx: Refactor GalleryTheme's insertFileOrDirURL function
[quikee] svx:Move functions from GalleryTheme that belong to
Changes for Build #26299
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/core/text
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/core/frmedt
Changes for Build #26300
[szymon.klos] notebookbar: early init on desktop
Changes for Build #26301
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/core/ole..sw/core/table
[Caolán McNamara] transfer any expander or expander toggles when using custom renderers
[Caolán McNamara] drop some stuff the pptfuzzer doesn't need
[Caolán McNamara] weld FilterNavigator
[Caolán McNamara] ofz#23241 Revert "bff: terminate on SAXException on malformed input"
[Caolán McNamara] drop unused SvTreeList::LastSelected
Changes for Build #26302
[Xisco Fauli] tdf#134931: sw_uiwriter: Add unittest
[Mike Kaganski] Resolves tdf#132066 - Localization of special text in about window
Changes for Build #26303
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
Changes for Build #26304
[Stephan Bergmann] Avoid UBSan signed-integer-overflow
[Stephan Bergmann] Reliably set up controls of hyperlink dialog in constructor
Changes for Build #26305
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/core/fields
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/core/docnode
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/core/draw..sw/core/edit
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/core/doc
Changes for Build #26306
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/core/layout
Changes for Build #26307
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/core/access..sc/core/crsr
[Noel Grandin] connectivity/sdbc2: create instances with uno constructors
[Stephan Bergmann] Remove the wait_until_property_is_updated calls again
[Stephan Bergmann] Use a more conventional START/END_POS range
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:flatten in sw/core/access
Changes for Build #26308
[justin_luth] NFC writerfilter: change m_nColumnCount to be the # of cols
Changes for Build #26309
[Caolán McNamara] tdf#135325 previews missing content drawn via DrawTransformedBitmapEx
[Caolán McNamara] tidy up language a bit
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