Random Config Linux builder - Build # 2110 - Fixed:
Check console output at https://ci.libreoffice.org/job/lo_tb_random_config_linux/2110/ to view the
Changes for Build #2108
No changes
Changes for Build #2109
[Mike Kaganski] Related tdf#105225: Remove old background tab page code
[nemeth] tdf#129173 tdf#129175 Fix number format of data labels
[nemeth] tdf#129242 Regression fixed for one cell table borders
[Miklos Vajna] tdf#42949 Fix IWYU warnings in connectivity/*/*hxx
[Samuel Mehrbrodt] Don't deprecate XKeyListener and XMouseListener
[Caolán McNamara] ofz#19525 Invalid enum value
[tml] Fix USE_AVMEDIA_DUMMY build after 2431477337f4ac4384ba615f76bfb5904f1a3b47
[michael.meeks] lok: calc - send other views our selection in their co-ordinates.
[Stephan Bergmann] Revert "Make font-based unit test depend on instdir fonts"
[Stephan Bergmann] unused #include
[Miklos Vajna] sw: prefix members of SaveRedlEndPosForRestore, SwAutoCompleteClient, ...
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
[Caolán McNamara] crashtesting: null deref on export to ods
[Caolán McNamara] crashtesting: null deref on load of tdf113898-2.ods
[heiko.tietze] tdf#127294 replace one section tip of the day with 4 new section tips
[michael.meeks] lok: calc - update our version of the other view's selections on zoom.
[michael.meeks] sw: fail loading when the fallback text detection fails
[michael.meeks] lok: send message when in place editing
[michael.meeks] Don't send INPLACE messages to all views
[michael.meeks] lok: unit test dialog text input field
[Caolán McNamara] Resolves: tdf#129355 mark toc index marks translatable
[michael.meeks] LOK: emit modified status on entering cell data
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#129353, tdf#129402: fix node creation on index import
[michael.meeks] Revert "jsdialogs: set LOKNotifier in Deck"
[michael.meeks] Revert "jsdialogs: emit JSON at idle to avoid repeated emission."
[michael.meeks] Revert "lok: only generate sidebar JSON for mobile views, for now."
[michael.meeks] Revert "jsdialogs: send JSON to the client"
[michael.meeks] sidebars: add JSDialog support to sidebars
[michael.meeks] jsdialogs: refresh after event
[michael.meeks] sidebar: check for valid current deck before closing
[michael.meeks] sd: for_each -> range-for
[michael.meeks] jsdialogs: don't recreate sidebar on event
[michael.meeks] Revert "jsdialogs: don't recreate sidebar on event"
[michael.meeks] jsdialogs: simply resize to reload
[michael.meeks] sidebar: reset the LOKNotifier when the ViewShell changes
[michael.meeks] sidebar: do not emit unnecessary created notifications
[michael.meeks] sfx2: LOK: disable the Reset button from tabbed dialogs
[michael.meeks] sidebar: always trigger LOK notifications on resize
[michael.meeks] jsdialogs: make possible to use on multiple mobile devices
[michael.meeks] LOK: don't send LOK notifications while switching views
[michael.meeks] sidebar: sensible line and page sizes and invalidate
[michael.meeks] sfx2: sidebar: notify mobile when the sidebar closes
[michael.meeks] chart2: clear listener parents in dispose
[michael.meeks] sfx2: sidebar: new .uno commands to show and hide sidebars
[Miklos Vajna] sw reqif-xhtml import: add a new AllowedRTFOLEMimeTypes parameter
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
Changes for Build #2110
No changes
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