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Tinderbox on Master for Windows - Build # 23018 - Failure:
Identified problems:
* cppunit failure: the cppunit test CppunitTest_sd_export_ooxml2 failed
  * Indication 1:

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Changes for Build #23018
[michael.meeks] lok: don't be prejudiced against a single missing mime-type.

[michael.meeks] lok: disable calc char-set dialog for HTML when pasting.

[michael.meeks] Avoid odd crash where OLE object can't generate an image preview.

[michael.meeks] Add more powerful selection fetch & clipboard set methods.

[michael.meeks] lok: use utf-8 for text/plain always.

[michael.meeks] LOK: Support detecting complex selections

[michael.meeks] Fix build: unused argument

[michael.meeks] build fix: missing #include <ndgrf.hxx>

[michael.meeks] lok: clipboard: per view clipboard creation.

[michael.meeks] lok: clipboard: per view clipboard creation.

[michael.meeks] clipboard: get view setting correct before setClipboard.

[michael.meeks] LOK: Implement getSelectionType

[michael.meeks] LOK: detect Graphics in isComplex for Writer

[michael.meeks] LOK: Enable embedding images in text/html format output

[michael.meeks] LOK: Improved selection complexity detection

[michael.meeks] lok: cleanup clipboards associated with a view on destruction.

[michael.meeks] LOK: Copy Graphics as embedded PNG in HTML

[michael.meeks] Set clipboard for a window when created

[michael.meeks] lok: vital to quote nested JSON inserted into a json property.

[michael.meeks] lok: minimal implementation of isComplex for calc for now.

[michael.meeks] Try harder to generate HTML from text.

[michael.meeks] clipboard: encourage paste to show up by having some dummy content.

[michael.meeks] lok: share more of the clipboard mime-type handling code.

[michael.meeks] clipboard: check for null.

[michael.meeks] clipboard: log before erasing

[michael.meeks] clipboard: repair unit test so that it runs in the lok mode.

[michael.meeks] Use implicit OString constructor and cleanup casts.
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