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Callgrind Linux - Build # 7273 - Still Failing:
Identified problems:
* file not found: compiler couldn't find the file »gtk/gtk.h« referenced from 
  * Indication 1:

Check console output at to view the results.

Changes for Build #7260
[Miklos Vajna] tdf#42949 Fix IWYU warnings in include/svx/sdr/*

[Stephan Bergmann] tdf#39593 use UNO3_GETIMPLEMENTATION* macros

[Julien Nabet] Fix typo

[Katarina.Behrens] tdf#122200 Qt5AccessibleWidget: Handle special offset values

[Stephan Bergmann] Remove obsolete configure checks after libreoffice-6-3 branch off

[Julien Nabet] Fix typo

[Julien Nabet] Fix typo

[Julien Nabet] Fix typo

[quikee] LOK: Factor out iOS painting code

[quikee] Add distro config for iOS simulator to make building easier

[Miklos Vajna] sw: prefix members of SwUndoInsTable

[Michael Stahl] tdf#119109 sw: tweak assertion in PrepareMake()

[Michael Stahl] find-unneeded-includes: don't propose to remove <map>...

[Katarina.Behrens] Have all VCL plugin related defines in config_vclplug.h

[Katarina.Behrens] Drop extra define ENABLE_GTKSINK

Changes for Build #7261
[Noel Grandin] tdf#67538 XTypeDetection::queryTypeByDescriptor poor performance, part1

Changes for Build #7262
[Noel Grandin] tdf#67538 XTypeDetection::queryTypeByDescriptor poor performance, part2

Changes for Build #7263
[Jan-Marek Glogowski] SM add a border to the editor and the element list

Changes for Build #7264
[Noel Grandin] tdf#67538 XTypeDetection::queryTypeByDescriptor poor performance, part4

[Noel Grandin] tdf#67538 XTypeDetection::queryTypeByDescriptor poor performance, part3

Changes for Build #7265
[quikee] Range for DE scaling factor was implemented.

[nemeth] tdf#48041 Chart: do not duplicate major value

[quikee] Checking of min and max factor value was added.

[nemeth] tdf#120412 char formatting UI: clean-up DFLT_ESC_AUTO

[Jan-Marek Glogowski] Qt5 remove header using namespaces and Vcl prefix

Changes for Build #7266
[Jan-Marek Glogowski] Qt5 refactor and move XTransferable implementations

Changes for Build #7267
[rb.henschel] tdf#125640 correct Beziercurve control points in doublewave shapes

Changes for Build #7268
[Andras Timar] mysqlc: Add support for mysql type INT24

Changes for Build #7269
[Eike Rathke] Avoid overflow with large row heights

[Noel Grandin] fix crash in lru_map/SalBitmap on shutdown

Changes for Build #7270
[Eike Rathke] Resolves: tdf#96711 RUB currency symbol is ₽ U+20BD RUBLE SIGN

[Jan-Marek Glogowski] Qt5 use precise timer to prevent unneeded restarts

[Jan-Marek Glogowski] KDE5 header cleanup and Q_OBJECT drop

Changes for Build #7271
[Luboš Luňák] LD_BIND_NOW=1 if running under callgrind

Changes for Build #7272
[Caolán McNamara] Resolves: tdf#125589 we are initially unsorted

Changes for Build #7273
[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules
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