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Tinderbox on Master for Linux-DbgUtil - Build # 25110 - Fixed:

Check console output at to view the 

Changes for Build #25109
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#124471 Change bullet styles names in Style section of Sidebar

[andras.timar] typo: openning -> opening

[Caolán McNamara] raise cairo baseline to 1.10.0

[Caolán McNamara] raise cairo baseline to 1.12.0

[Mike Kaganski] Drop UNICODE/_UNICODE defines

[Jan-Marek Glogowski] KDE5 merge KDE5SalData into Qt5Data

[Jan-Marek Glogowski] Qt5 / KDE5 refactor create_SalInstance

[quikee] change GetColorCount to use sal_Int64

[Caolán McNamara] CreateUndoRemoveObject default arg is always used

[Mike Kaganski] Get rid of USS macro

[Caolán McNamara] Resolves: tdf#122780 limit massive template names in ui to a sane length

[quikee] ios widget defs: update combobox, checkbox, spinbox SVGs

[Caolán McNamara] Resolves: tdf#120754 on undoing an obj insert use its current ordinal

Changes for Build #25110
[Caolán McNamara] Revert "raise cairo baseline to 1.12.0"
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