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Random Config Linux builder - Build # 1557 - Still Failing:
Identified problems:
* cppunit failure: the cppunit test CppunitTest_emfio_emf failed
  * Indication 1:

Check console output at to view the 

Changes for Build #1552
No changes

Changes for Build #1553
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): handle failed realloc

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): handle malloc/realloc failures

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): handle failed (re)allocations

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): handle failed realloc

[kainz.a] KJ: Fix  track changes icons related to tdf#119073, add assign macro,

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): 920d4463f6e59b815852c173e2974ffc7b4bb284 follow-up

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): handle failed calloc/realloc

[Stephan Bergmann] Java 11 no longer synthesizes DocumentView$1.class

[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:redundantinline

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): handle failed realloc

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr checks, redundant assign

[Stephan Bergmann] fix --enable-debug builds

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr check

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr checks

[tamas.zolnai] cppcheck: variableScope

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr checks; use range-based for

[Thorsten Behrens] Copy gpgme-w32spawn.exe to workdir/LinkTarget/Executable

[Caolán McNamara] coverity#1440400 Resource leak in object

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: Expression 'mnInterlaced == 0' is always true.

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: A part of conditional expression is always true: bDisplayOK

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS)

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr check

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr check

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr check

[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules

[Caolán McNamara] clarify this code a bit

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: The condition 'nIndex != - 1' of loop is always true

[kainz.a] NB tabbed writer: finishing correct padding and final tab review

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: silence bogus V656

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: _pView was already dereferenced

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: Potentially uninitialized pointer 'ret_type' used.

[Caolán McNamara] GetBulletOverride never returns nullptr

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: silence bogus V557

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#120703 (PVS): Recurring check.

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#120703 (PVS): Recurring check.

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#120703 (PVS): Recurring check.

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr check

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: Not all members of a class are initialized inside the

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: A part of conditional expression is always true: !pIStm

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: reference becomes invalid when temporary object destroyed

[Caolán McNamara] aUS is always empty

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: condition always false

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: A part of conditional expression is always true

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: Expression '_par0 > 0' is always true.

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: V557 Array overrun is possible

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr check

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: Expression 'pException' is always false.

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr check

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: V501 same expression twice

[Caolán McNamara] queryComplete is always true

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr check; unsafe pointer dereference

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr check; loop index size

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: initialize maLockedRect

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: Expression 'condition == MQueryExpression::AND' is always

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: V590 The expression is excessive or contains a misprint

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr check

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): missing nullptr check; redundant nullptr check

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr check

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr checks

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr check

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): too complex condition; wrong condition

[kainz.a] elementary: Finalize chart graphics, separate dbtable &

[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules

[Christian Lohmaier] add Lower Serbian (dsb) language pack

[Christian Lohmaier] bump product version to

Changes for Build #1554
No changes

Changes for Build #1555
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:staticvar in soltools..svx

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:singlevalfields look for fields that can be bool

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr check

[Samuel Mehrbrodt] Sync extension registration on startup

[Noel Grandin] Simplify containers iterations in ucb, ucbhelper

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#120703 (PVS): Recurring check.

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#120703 (PVS): Recurring check.

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#120703 (PVS): Recurring check.

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#120703 (PVS): Recurring check.

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#120703 (PVS): Recurring check.

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#120703 (PVS): Recurring check.

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#120703 (PVS): Recurring check.

[kainz.a] NB tabbed draw and impress: finishing correct padding

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120249: fix escaping to handle quotes and multiple trailing

[Armin.Le.Grand] tdf#120674 set DlgEdForm early in DlgEdObj::EndCreate

[Michael Stahl] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant comparisons, dynamic_cast<T&> in dtor

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: V1001 variable assigned but is not used by the end of the

[Xisco Fauli] tdf#120703 (PVS): Recurring check.

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: V785 Constant expression in switch statement

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: V728 An excessive check can be simplified

[Caolán McNamara] tdf#120703 (PVS): Recurring check.

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: V668 no sense testing against null as memory was allocated

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:staticvar in various

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedfields improvemements

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: V794 The assignment operator should be protected

[tietze.heiko] tdf#120034 - Position of New > Master Document questionable

[tietze.heiko] tdf#120176 - Text appears as white on first launch

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: silence V649 dubious Two identical 'if' statements

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:staticvar ignore this case for now

[Eike Rathke] tdf#120410: Disable insert/delete row/page break if sheet is protected

[kainz.a] NB tabbed calc: finishing correct padding and final tab review

[kainz.a] tdf#119547 Media Contextmenu sync in all apps

[kainz.a] tdf#119506 Draw Contextmenu in Writer, Calc, Draw, Impress

[Caolán McNamara] Resolves: tdf#120731 crash in border tabpage

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#120703 (PVS): redundant nullptr check

[Stephan Bergmann] Disable loplugin:staticvar for now

[Caolán McNamara] Resolves: tdf#120785 no parent set via status bar

[Stephan Bergmann] Let CppuniTest's unoexceptionprotector handle uncaught exceptions

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:staticvar ignore rtfkeywd.cxx for now

[btomi96] Add unit test for mysqlc connector

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: V716 Suspicious type conversion in return statement

[Katarina.Behrens] sc: avoid checking for time formats in case of SvNumFormatType::NUMBER

[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules

[btomi96]     tdf#119625: coerce migrated Time between 0 and 24 hours

[kainz.a] tdf#119596 DrawText Contextmenu in Writer, Calc, Draw, Impress

[tml] Remove line commented out since 2004

[Caolán McNamara] cannot interact with chart sidebar as the previous deck is still active

[marklh9] drawinglayer: fix bold dash dash dot overline in Impress.

[marklh9] tdf#100236 implement waveline in mtfrenderer.

[marklh9] tdf#70851 render wave underlines in slideshow.

[tml] If we have encountered a "FATAL ERROR" we can afford writing a line to

[tml] Put quotes around a URL in a message to make it more obvious if it is

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: V670 The uninitialized class member 'm_aMutex' is used

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: silence dodgy V763 Parameter always rewritten

[momonasmon] sd: Use the regular textbox popupmenu for outline text objects

[Katarina.Behrens] tdf#119856: [Re-]activate menu before dispatching command

[Stephan Bergmann] -Werror,-Wunused-function (--disable-assert-always-abort)

[tml] Look for the generated native-code.h where it now is

[Stephan Bergmann] Remove ScLookupCache from ScLookupCacheMap it had been added to

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: V763 Parameter always rewritten in function body before

[Caolán McNamara] simpler to use a vector

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: V560 A part of conditional expression is always true

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: V581 identical conditional expressions situated alongside

[Caolán McNamara] intermediate _disposing call doesn't exist anymore

[Caolán McNamara] pvs-studio: V571 Recurring check

[Jan-Marek Glogowski] Implement IsUnderlineAbove in vcl::Font

[Jan-Marek Glogowski] Antialias drawing is part of the font selection

[marklh9] tdf#100236 Implement linestyles with dash and dots.

Changes for Build #1556
No changes

Changes for Build #1557
[Julien Nabet] tdf#120773: simplify condition in sbagrid.cxx:1265

[Julien Nabet] tdf#120795: fix ooo2wordml_list.xsl syntax

[Noel Grandin] Remove redundant comparisons, copy properties unconditionally

[kainz.a] Frame Contextmenu in Writer and other sw apps

[Noel Grandin] clang-tidy performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization in

[kainz.a] elementary:+ crookrotate,crookslant,^graphic, convert, smallest*, etc

[Katarina.Behrens] tdf#120451: Use primary screen if requested screen doesn't exist

[Noel Grandin] clang-tidy performance-unnecessary-copy-init in canvas..cui

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:useuniqueptr in Sane::Start

[Noel Grandin] clang-tidy performance-unnecessary-copy-init in idl..reportdesign

[Noel Grandin] tdf#120794 crash while selecting a drawing line

[Noel Grandin] clang-tidy performance-unnecessary-copy-init in editeng..i18npool

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:useuniqueptr in LoadDrawingObject

[Caolán McNamara] weld SpecialSettingsPage and GeneratedValuesPage

[tml] dlsym() typically does not find "main" so use readlink() on

[Noel Grandin] remove old poppler compat code

[Muhammet Kara] tdf#120475: Sync persona categories with Mozilla

[rb.henschel] Special methods NewStandardLayer and SetStandardLayer not needed

[fitojb] tdf#117348: Change default grid color to a darker gray

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:useuniqueptr more exclusions

[Samuel Mehrbrodt] tdf#120803: avoid crash if no valid vcl::Window

[Noel Grandin] clang-tidy performance-unnecessary-copy-init in dbaccess..drawinglayer

[Eike Rathke] Resolves: tdf#120689 omit <definedName> for ocMacro in OOXML

[Caolán McNamara] remove all use_action_appearance lines

[Eike Rathke] sc: speed-up: avoid usage of svl::SharedString where it is possible

[Katarina.Behrens] tdf#120449: Show keyboard shortcuts in native menus

[Jan-Marek Glogowski] Constify OutputDevice::meOutDevType

[Jan-Marek Glogowski] Constify VirtDevice::me(Alpha)?Format
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