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Callgrind Linux - Build # 5869 - Still Failing:
Identified problems:
* c++ error (generic): error: cannot convert ‘const std::set<short int>’ to ‘SCCOL {aka short int}’ 
in return in file 
  * Indication 1:
* werror (generic): compiler warning return-type treated as error: control reaches end of non-void 
function in file 
  * Indication 1:

Check console output at to view the results.

Changes for Build #5867
[kainz.a] Colibre icons: fix links.txt link and update addwatch icon

[justin_luth] related tdf#114845 oox: ensure

[marklh9] sw/qa: CjkNumberedListTestHelper -> getNumberingTypeOfParagraph

[marklh9] tdf#118564 sw/ww8filter - map NFC 11 to SVX_NUM_NUMBER_LOWER_ZH.

[erack] ScGlobal::OpenURL: support relative references as URI references in

[Armin.Le.Grand] tdf#118232 Allow load and insert of SVGs with no Geometry

[kainz.a] NB Implementation: fix Underline command and add CharmapControl

[kainz.a] tdf#116861: better default settings for minimize Presentation

Changes for Build #5868
[Markus Mohrhard] ODF export data transformations -follow-up

[gerrit buildbot] Update git submodules

[Markus Mohrhard] Added Sort Transformation in Data Provider dlg

[Markus Mohrhard] Added Aggregate functions to data provider dlg

[Markus Mohrhard] Added Number transformation in Data Provider Dlg

Changes for Build #5869
No changes
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