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UBSAN Linux Build - Build # 845 - Successful:

Changes for Build #845
[quikee] remove references to {Header,Footer,Para}GraphicURL

[quikee] oox: remove unused methods that rely on GraphicObject URL

[quikee] xmloff: modify code relying on Graph.Object URL and cleanup code

[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help  ee1caf534c5b421dfc2157d8421f6dcc051ca5e3

[Julien Nabet] Modernize a bit more dbaccess

[Noel Grandin] move canvas helper code into vcl

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedfields

[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: dictionaries 

[quikee] escherex: export graphic without GraphicObject uniqueID

[quikee] svdfppt: use FillBitmap and xBitmap instead of Graph.Obj. URL

[quikee] ppt export: fix use of FillBitmap instead of FillBitmapURL

[quikee] chart2: remove commented properties

[rene] The minimal supported Qt5 version is 5.6

[Mike Kaganski] gbuildtojson ide-integration: unblacklist sal cppu cppuhelper cpputools

[Julien Nabet] Modernize a bit more dbaccess (part2)

[quikee] slideshow: convert use of GraphicURL to Graphic property

[quikee] xmloff: embedded objects can still use GraphicObject URL

[erack] don't use heap for elements in ScRangeList

[btomi96] dbahsql: add boolean

[erack] Resolves: tdf#116324 treat jump empty path as 0 when nested

[erack] Unit test tdf#116324

[btomi96] dbahsql: Add numeric/decimal import

[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: dictionaries 

[caolanm] margin change should trigger relayout

[erack] Rename ScMatrix::IsString() to IsStringOrEmpty()

[Julien Nabet] Use for-range loops in editeng

[Julien Nabet] Use for-range loops in drawinglayer and dtrans

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