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Tinderbox on Master for Windows-Debug - Build # 16095 - Fixed:

Changes for Build #16092
[caolanm] MemoryByteGrabber sequence has to exist for Grabber lifetime

[Noel Grandin] use scanline when reading pixel data

[caolanm] rtf: null-deref

[caolanm] ofz: Pos2Page returns true on same value that returned false previously

[szymon.klos] tdf#115394 import custom slide transition time in PPTX

[szymon.klos] tdf#115394 export custom transition time in PPTX

[quikee] move Bitmap::SetToData to BitmapTools

[tml] Don't crash if aArgs is empty

Changes for Build #16093
[Miklos Vajna] sw android: fix -Werror,-Wsign-compare

[Miklos Vajna] solenv: adapt to recent xmlsecurity changes

Changes for Build #16094
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:useuniqueptr in SdrOutlinerCache

Changes for Build #16095
[Marco Cecchetti] lok: calc: grouping - workaround no more needed

[Miklos Vajna] Revert "sw android: fix -Werror,-Wsign-compare"

[mstahl] vcl: adapt README to reality

[Miklos Vajna] Implement XDrawPagesSupplier in SwXTextDocument

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