Random Config Linux builder - Build # 1027 - Still Failing:
Changes for Build #1026
[Mike Kaganski] Remove redundant variable
[Mike Kaganski] Use std::unique_ptr in ImplCalcToTopData
[Stephan Bergmann] Globally disable -Wcast-function-type new with upcoming GCC 8
[Stephan Bergmann] Reuse WW8TabBandDesc::setcelldefaults
[Stephan Bergmann] USHRT_MAX -> SAL_MAX_UINT16
[dennis.francis] tdf#115093 : Do not reuse singleref tokens...
[Stephan Bergmann] Remove presumably dead nLen < USHRT_MAX check
[Stephan Bergmann] This presumably always wanted to check for SAL_MAX_UINT16, not USHRT_MAX
[Stephan Bergmann] USHRT_MAX -> SAL_MAX_UINT16
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unused-returns in vcl
[Stephan Bergmann] Silence upcoming GCC 8 -Werror=parentheses in external/boost
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:useuniqueptr in GroupData_Impl
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:constparams
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unused-returns in drawinglayer..svx
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:useuniqueptr in FileDialogHelper_Impl
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:useuniqueptr in SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:useuniqueptr in SvxBoxItem
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:useuniqueptr in LayoutManager
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:useuniqueptr in ImageListsDescriptor
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:useuniqueptr in Oasis2OOoTransformer
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:useuniqueptr in OOo2OasisTransformer
[jan Iversen] iOS, allow orientations for all devices
[Stephan Bergmann] Remove presumably dead < USHRT_MAX checks
[Stephan Bergmann] Fix --enable-kde4 code
[Noel Grandin] fix kde4 vclplug build
[Stephan Bergmann] Avoid upcoming GCC 8 -Werror=class-memaccess on css::util::DateTime
[Miklos Vajna] scripting: add missing vim modelines to python files
[Miklos Vajna] Fix some IWYU warnings
[caolanm] tdf#115080 menu id collision
[caolanm] ofz#5621 Integer-overflow
[mstahl] This presumably always wanted to check for SAL_MAX_UINT16, not USHRT_MAX
[mstahl] Fix documentation for osl_executeProcess_WithRedirectedIO
[Stephan Bergmann] USHRT_MAX -> SAL_MAX_UINT16
[Miklos Vajna] writerfilter: use WW8 name for StyleId
[Stephan Bergmann] Adapt solenv/flatpak-manifest.in
[kendy] lokdialog: Convert the Table -> Properties... to async exec.
[Mike Kaganski] Natvis: update SfxItemSet visualizer (m_pItems is now unique_ptr)
[Xisco Fauli] Add wiki header and footer to the output
[Stephan Bergmann] Remove presumably dead < USHRT_MAX checks
[Stephan Bergmann] Make ImplColorSet default ctor zero-initialize all members
[Stephan Bergmann] Use a more conventional way of zero-initializing class members
[Stephan Bergmann] -Werror=parentheses (upcoming GCC 8)
[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: translations
[gulsah.1004] [Pardus] tdf#108989 Add contextual validity command.
[Stephan Bergmann] Remove presumably dead < USHRT_MAX checks
[Christian Lohmaier] update credits
[Stephan Bergmann] This presumably always wanted to check for SAL_MAX_UINT16, not USHRT_MAX
[Muhammet Kara] tdf#115129 change customize function tree expand collapse behavior
[erack] Remove old comment left over
[mstahl] tdf#115153 writerfilter: RTF import: fix vert orient of Word 6 shapes
[mstahl] tdf#115153 the missing test document
[tamas.zolnai] tdf#114913 Use master if char size wasn't set
[caolanm] gtk3: single click with selection set doesn't unselect
[Stephan Bergmann] sal_Bool -> bool (remaining uses of css::uno::Any::has)
[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:emptyif (clang-cl)
[Stephan Bergmann] Allocate ImpXPolygon::pPointAry as a true Point[]
[Mike Kaganski] tdf#115030 Formula use "dot" instead of "acute" math command.
[Julien Nabet] Fix typos
[mstahl] curl: upgrade to release 7.58.0
[caolanm] m_pTableEndPaM is unused
[Stephan Bergmann] USHRT_MAX -> SAL_MAX_UINT16
[caolanm] ofz#5573 Out of memory
[gulsah.1004] tdf#62182 .uno:PrintLayout and .uno:BrowseView become set commands.
Changes for Build #1027
No changes
Check console output at https://ci.libreoffice.org/job/lo_tb_random_config_linux/1027/ to view the
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