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December 2017 Archives by date, by thread · List index

Lcov report generator for master - Build # 942 - Failure:

Changes for Build #942
[pranavk] lokdocview: android: tiled annotations is the cause of the problem

[tml] Avoid crash without GPG

[Thorsten Behrens] unotools: don't go belly-up if temp dir is wrong or empty

[Noel Grandin] Revert "unused SID command in sd"

[Noel Grandin] Revert "unused SID command in sfx2"

[laurent.balland-poirier] tdf#114088 tdf#113795 Improve Writer templates

[caolanm] can just use default dtors

[caolanm] ofz#4715 Integer-overflow

[caolanm] call g_variant_unref on return value

[caolanm] Resolves: tdf#114572 immediate update of value while typing unwanted

[caolanm] use SyncDbusSessionHelper for font install requests

[caolanm] request installation of langpack via packagekit

[Noel Grandin] Revert "unused SID command in starmath"

[Stephan Bergmann] Prepare external/firebird for sanitizers

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#39593 deduplicate code in ScCellShell

[michael.meeks] lokdialog: Allow switching language of some of the ResMgr's.

[Julien Nabet] Use for-range loops in dbaccess/KeySet (1st pass)

[laurent.balland-poirier] tdf#103317 tdf#107027 tdf#113795 Impress Templates

[laurent.balland-poirier] tdf#103317 tdf#89676 clean-up Impress templates

[ashnakash] LOK: tilebench improvements

[tamas.zolnai] tdf#111790: Shadow imported from a PPTX file is not overriden

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:passstuffbyref improved returns

[Noel Grandin] Revert "unused SID commands in sc"

[Miklos Vajna] EPUB export: fix invalid XHTML output for text boxes

[Mike Kaganski] tdf#39593 deduplicate code in ScCellShell

[philipz85] tdf#95827 Reorganize draw's menu bar

[philipz85] tdf#114605 Allow line split buttons to work in the menus

[j.nitschke+logerrit] tdf#108031 Area chart labels not rotated

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:passstuffbyref improved returns in vcl

[zcrhonek] VBA tests (4) - don't pass when all tests fail

[Noel Grandin] svtools: Use std::unique_ptr for SvImpLBox

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