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Callgrind Linux - Build # 4729 - Fixed:

Changes for Build #4728
[caolanm] ofz: fix mem leak

[caolanm] use afl html_tags as htmlfuzzer dictionary

[erack] tdf#86085 add slot for toggling thousands separator

[mstahl] tdf#71737 xmloff: ODF 1.2 doesn't allow hyperlinks in ...

[szymon.klos] tdf#114308 Export Watermark size as is

[j.carl43] tdf#45904 Move _XDatabaseRanges Java tests to C++

[pranavk] lokdialog: Open floating window on InitShow only

[pranavk] lokdialog: Move lok cursor invalidation callbacks to vcl::Cursor

[pranavk] Use ImplIsFloatingWindow instead of dynamic_cast

[erack] Slightly change state method logic, tdf#86085 follow-up

[Stephan Bergmann] New --enable-compiler-plugins=debug mode

[caolanm] we only check for the presense of m_pCnts, not use it

[caolanm] valgrind: some more html parser leaks

[erack] Call GetItemState() only once per WhichID loop

[erack] Avoid iterating over selected cells' attribute ranges

[mstahl] vcl: Rectangle does not name a type

[mstahl] bridges: [loplugin:includeform] gcc3_linux_intel

[mstahl] tdf#114243 sot: catch exceptions in SotStorage::GetFormatID()

[erack] A "standard" format does not necessarily mean the General format

Changes for Build #4729
[szymon.klos] Build fix

[erack] Build fix: forward-decl rtl::OUString

[erack] We already have the type, use it

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