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Lcov report generator for master - Build # 920 - Failure:

Changes for Build #920
[caolanm] require at least gtk3 3.12.0 to build gtk3 bits

[Julien Nabet] Replace list by vector in DocumentSettingsContext (xmloff)

[zcrhonek] VBA tests - repair tests (Don't pass when all tests fail)

[caolanm] require at least gtk3 3.14.0 to build gtk3 bits

[caolanm] improve scoping

[caolanm] mml is an xml format too

[szymon.klos] tdf#113037 Unify Watermark in DOC & DOCX

[erack] Get rid of the css::util::NumberFormat::TEXT abuse as "special" "key"

[erack] ofz#4484 another stab at mnRangeOpPosInSymbol

[caolanm] ofz: fix leak

[caolanm] ofz#4502 Direct-leak

[caolanm] require at least gtk3 3.16.0 to build and run gtk3 bits

[caolanm] try to hide the evidence

[Julien Nabet] Replace list by vector in XMLEventImportHelper (xmloff)

[Julien Nabet] Replace list by vector in xmlexp (xmloff/sw)

[Julien Nabet] Replace list by vector in property_description (xmloff)

[zcrhonek] VBA tests repair (2) - don't pass the test when all tests fail

[Julien Nabet] Replace list by vector in SchXMLExport (xmloff)

[Mike Kaganski] Don't leak formats that get merged

[caolanm] let mathtype import take a SvStream of the contents

[caolanm] SotStorageStream->SvStream

[caolanm] Add mathtype to fftester

[caolanm] require at least gtk3 3.18.0 to build and run gtk3 bits

[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help  3de74ecadfd9a7529e1b0b05352e42a829d3e279

[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help  15aadcce29df899fab7c65f8809d8cef69c18b9e

[Julien Nabet] fixed interface domain.

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