Tinderbox on Master for Windows-Debug - Build # 14669 - Still Failing:
Changes for Build #14668
[caolanm] survive without config
[caolanm] Remove some old KDE3 and TDE stuff
[erack] New LocaleItem::DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_ALTERNATIVE, tdf#81671
[erack] Supersede with XLocaleData5, LocaleData2, tdf#81671
[erack] Instanciate XLocaleData5 in all internal interfaces, tdf#81671
[erack] Let LocaleDataWrapper::getLocaleItem() return LocaleDataItem2&,
[erack] Add LocaleDataWrapper::getNumDecimalSepAlt(), tdf#81671
[erack] Allow decimalSeparatorAlternative in cclass_unicode::parseText(),
[erack] Handle decimalSeparatorAlternative in ScCompiler, tdf#81671
[erack] Handle decimalSeparatorAlternative in ScColumn::ParseString(), tdf#81671
[erack] Check decimalSeparatorAlternative in GetDefaultFormulaSeparators(),
[erack] Check decimalSeparatorAlternative in CheckConfigOptions(), tdf#81671
[erack] Handle decimalSeparatorAlternative in SvNumberFormatter parsing,
[erack] Handle decimalSeparatorAlternative in BASIC ImpScan,..., tdf#81671
[erack] LocaleDataWrapper::stringToDouble() w/ decimalSeparatorAlternative,
[erack] Use LocaleDataWrapper::stringToDouble() in ScDoubleField::GetValue,
[erack] Use LocaleDataWrapper::stringToDouble() in ScSolverValueDialog,
[erack] Use LocaleDataWrapper::stringToDouble() in AlignmentPropertyPanel,
[erack] Use LocaleDataWrapper::stringToDouble() in PosSizePropertyPanel,
[erack] Use LocaleDataWrapper::stringToDouble() in ShadowPropertyPanel,
[erack] Use LocaleDataWrapper::stringToDouble() in lcl_Str2Double, tdf#81671
[erack] Use LocaleDataWrapper::stringToDouble() in StrToDouble, tdf#81671
[erack] Handle decimalSeparatorAlternative in TakeRepresentation, tdf#81671
[erack] Handle decimalSeparatorAlternative, tdf#81671
[erack] Handle decimalSeparatorAlternative, tdf#81671
[erack] Parse/gen optional <DecimalSeparatorAlternative> in locale data,
[erack] Define optional <Separators><DecimalSeparatorAlternative>, tdf#81671
[erack] Resolves: tdf#81671 add DecimalSeparatorAlternative to ar-* and fa-IR
Changes for Build #14669
[erack] Fix build of Windows-only code, tdf#81671 follow-up
Check console output at https://ci.libreoffice.org/job/lo_tb_master_win_dbg/14669/ to view the
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