lo_tb_ui_testing_linux - Build # 1240 - Fixed:
Changes for Build #1215
[Noel Grandin] change some Date += long to Date += sal_Int32
[mstahl] tdf#46852 fix spellcheck continue at beginning
Changes for Build #1216
[mstahl] Added Test to check TableAutoFormat Style after Save/Load
Changes for Build #1217
[azeemmysore] Moving legacy contexts to FastContexts:
Changes for Build #1218
[Markus Mohrhard] tdf#43157 - Clean up OSL_ENSURE and OSL_FAIL in sc/filter/lotus
Changes for Build #1219
[akshaydeepiitr] Remove unused function code special characters
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:constparams in svgio
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedfields in svx
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedfields in svtools
[chris.sherlock79] osl: fix Pipe noacquire/acquire tests
[chris.sherlock79] osl: Unix pipe converted from OSL_ASSERT to assert/SAL_WARNs
[caolanm] migrate to boost::gettext
[caolanm] de-hrc various things
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedfields in sfx2
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedfields in sd
[caolanm] don't build localestr when cross-compiling
[Miklos Vajna] oox: fix inconsistent param naming in interface/implementation
Changes for Build #1220
[caolanm] can use the "real" type for RES_SRCTYPES now
[caolanm] make sure the strings for each undo match
[caolanm] temporarily survive missing translations
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:constparams in sfx2
[caolanm] fix strings that started with %PRODUCTNAME turning into PRODUCTNAME
[mstahl] xmloff: don't warn on future LO versions, SAL_INFO is enough
[mstahl] tdf#108867 sw: fix dangling text box frame format pointers in Undo
Changes for Build #1221
[erack] Eliminate Date::operator+=() and -=() and replace with Date::AddDays()
[caolanm] despite the comment and missing translation, REDLINE undo comment gets
[tml] loplugin:oncevar
[caolanm] replace localestr with a script for the supported translation targets
[caolanm] use old translations for interim period
[rene] update lo-xlate-lang for "kurdish"/kurmanji, amharic and guarani
[caolanm] loplugin: literaltoboolconversion
[caolanm] call to non-constexpre function
Changes for Build #1222
[Christian Lohmaier] update credits
[caolanm] give formula .uis their translation domain
[caolanm] add msgctxt to new strings
[caolanm] fix up some mismatching msgstr vs msgid trailing newlines
[caolanm] further bodge bad translations with mismatching starting newlines
[mstahl] Fix typos
Changes for Build #1223
[Christian Lohmaier] update credits - with aliases fixed
[tml] loplugin:subtlezeroinit
[caolanm] fix python2 assumption
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:constparams in soltools and various
Changes for Build #1224
[erack] Eliminate DateTime::operator+=() and -=() with POD types
[erack] Initializing Date with an arbitrary day count is nonsense
[kendy] sd pptm: Add a separate PPTM filter.
[kendy] lok: Add docm/xlsm/pptm filters to be known by LOK.
[kendy] sd pptm: Preserve the VBA stream on export.
[kendy] sd pptm: Unit tests for the .pptm support.
[kendy] Rename InitAnySequence -> InitAnyPropertySequence, and convert some
Changes for Build #1225
[caolanm] ofz#2704 null-dereference read
[caolanm] call python script with whatever is set as the python to use
[caolanm] mnemonics in words with Eszett misplaced
[philipz85] tdf#106533 Correct insert index entry icon filename
[mstahl] tdf#99692 sw: fix bookmark positions in tables at start of redlines
[mstahl] sw: it looks like MoveRange() is never called with
Changes for Build #1226
[Muhammet Kara] Separate SvxToolbarConfigPage from cfg.cxx
Changes for Build #1227
[chris.sherlock79] vcl: fix Unicode cast in mnemonic test
Changes for Build #1228
[Noel Grandin] make oncevar plugin ignore methods with #ifdef-ery
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedfields in oox,reportdesign
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedfields in io
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedfields in extensions..framework
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedfields in editeng
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:constparams in editeng,lingucomponent
[btomi96] avoid unnecessary calls of AdjustRowHeight
Changes for Build #1229
[chris.sherlock79] osl: condition qa remove extraneous comments
[chris.sherlock79] osl: give condition tests more descriptive names
[chris.sherlock79] osl: get rid of comment cruft in w32 conditn.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] osl: fix w32/backtrace.cxx comment
[chris.sherlock79] osl: remove extraneous comments from w32/file_dirvold.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] osl: minor whitespace fixup from automated change
[chris.sherlock79] osl: get rid of comment cruft in w32 module.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] osl: get rid of comment cruft in w32 mutex.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] osl: get rid of comment cruft in w32 nlsupport.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] osl: get rid of comment cruft in w32 path_helper.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] osl: get rid of comment cruft in w32 path_helper.hxx
[chris.sherlock79] osl: small cosmetic change to make comment more readable
Changes for Build #1230
[chris.sherlock79] osl: get rid of comment cruft in w32 profile.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] osl: remove dead code from w32/salinit.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] osl: remove sig in comment
[chris.sherlock79] osl: get rid of comment cruft in w32/security.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] osl: get rid of comment cruft in w32/socket.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] osl: get rid of comment cruft in w32/sockimpl.hxx
[chris.sherlock79] osl: get rid of comment cruft in w32/time.cxx
[caolanm] tweak test a little
[caolanm] add test for CJK (~X) mnemonics
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedfields in cppcanvas..cui
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unusedfields in basctl..connectivity
[Noel Grandin] Typo: "disposeAndClear", not "clearAndDispose"
Changes for Build #1231
[Muhammet Kara] Cleanup duplicate functions in cfg.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] rtl: remove comment cruft from alloc files
[chris.sherlock79] rtl: remove comparisons against nullptr from RTL mem files
[chris.sherlock79] rtl: fix bootstrap formatting, comparison to nullptr
[Noel Grandin] tdf#109271: Use ScopedVclPtr
Changes for Build #1232
[chris.sherlock79] osl: (Win32) check allocated pipe succeeded, otherwise needs to fail
[chris.sherlock79] followup b714ba73c - remove excessive braces
[chris.sherlock79] rtl: remove comment cruft from cipher.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] rtl: cleanup cipher.cxx equality conditions
Changes for Build #1233
[chris.sherlock79] rtl: fix equality conditions in crc.cxx and digest.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] rtl: cleanup equality conditions in hash.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] rtl: remove comment cruft from locale.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] rtl: cleanup equality conditions in locale.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] rtl: cleanup equality conditions in math.cxx
[tietze.heiko] Revert because of wrong banner size
Changes for Build #1234
[chris.sherlock79] osl: Windows pipe converted from OSL_ASSERT to assert/SAL_WARNs
Changes for Build #1235
[Muhammet Kara] Add new helper class to cui for SvxConfigPage
Changes for Build #1236
[chris.sherlock79] rtl: remove comments, cleanup equality conditions in random.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] rtl: cleanup rtl_process.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] rtl: cleanup uri.cxx
[chris.sherlock79] rtl: cleanup equality conditions in uuid.cxx
Changes for Build #1237
[caolanm] make JunitTest_svx_unoapi more reliable by checking against current
Changes for Build #1238
[Julien Nabet] Removed duplicated includes
Changes for Build #1239
[ashnakash] sw: dummy handler for paragraph signing
[j.nitschke+logerrit] remove unused struct
Changes for Build #1240
[caolanm] coverity#1415610 avoid Unchecked dynamic_cast
[caolanm] coverity#1415617 Resource leak
[caolanm] coverity#1415622 Pointer to local outside scope
[caolanm] coverity#1415619 Explicit null dereferenced
[caolanm] coverity#1415620 Unchecked return value (golden)
[caolanm] coverity#1415613 Explicit null dereferenced
[Noel Grandin] lwp: delete bogus copy ctor
[Noel Grandin] sw: these arrays are constant
[Julien Nabet] cid#1415621: illegal accesses
[Noel Grandin] editeng: remove bogus copy ctor
[Markus Mohrhard] uitest: handle the case without dictionaries in the UI tests
[Noel Grandin] remove now unnecessary comphelper::OModuleClient stuff
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:unnecessaryvirtual
[caolanm] more related strings together
[caolanm] coverity#1415614 Out-of-bounds read
Check console output at http://ci.libreoffice.org/job/lo_tb_ui_testing_linux/1240/ to view the
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- [global-libreoffice-ci] lo_tb_ui_testing_linux - Build # 1230 - Still Failing! (continued)
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