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Random Config Linux builder - Build # 638 - Fixed:

Changes for Build #637
[chris.sherlock79] osl: unx file.cxx nullptr testing cleanup

[Markus Mohrhard] add missing override, -Werror,-Winconsistent-missing-override

[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:unnecessaryparen

[Thorsten Behrens] tdf#108945 Correctly import default value in VML shape adjustments

[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:casttovoid

[quikee] Presentation Mode

[mstahl] svx: assert on undisposed AbstractSvxHpLinkDlg

[erack] Add missing override

[michael.meeks] Helper function to cast to FastAttributeList:

[Noel Grandin] use more range-for on uno::Sequence

[Thorsten Behrens] SmartArt: reuse existing diagram shape for root shape

[Noel Grandin] simplify some OUString::copy calls

[Noel Grandin] tdf#109045: store en calendar separately in OnDemandCalendarWrapper

[Miklos Vajna] tdf#106132 DOCX import: fix handling of nested textbox margins

[Noel Grandin] simplify calls OUString::copy in foo.copy(x, foo.getLength() - x)

[mstahl] EditEngine: Added SvxSimpleUnoModel in import filter

[mstahl] EditEngine: Added expwarp for unit tests

[caolanm] ofz#2538: avoid oom

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:useuniqueptr in sw

[Miklos Vajna] tdf#109063 DOCX import: consider wrap space for multi-page floattables

[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help  551a5fdaba7c7b86b41daafd4574e7b1649c11d5

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:useuniqueptr in scaddins..svx

[Noel Grandin] unusedfields plugin needs to ignore fields that have reinterpret_cast on

[j.nitschke+logerrit] simplify strip types from Sequence, related tdf#108782

[erack] Introduce IFormulaEditorHelper::createCompiler()

[erack] Instanciate FormulaCompiler using createCompiler()

[Miklos Vajna] android: update for supporting Clang5.0

[erack] Revert "loplugin:casttovoid"

[erack] Use proper non-/array context to calculate Structure tree

[Mike Kaganski] Small cleanup

[erack] Buy some newlines

[tamas.zolnai] tdf#109050: Moving table object with ALT+Arrow keys does not work

[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help  0f9722866caf9d5175df3e49170f40b9567f0c16

[Noel Grandin] drop TPropertyValueEqualFunctor

[Noel Grandin] simplify some OUString::concat usage

[Noel Grandin] replace 'resize(size+1)' with emplace_back

Changes for Build #638
No changes

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