Random Config Linux builder - Build # 428 - Still Failing:
Changes for Build #425
No changes
Changes for Build #426
[quikee] use translated string for "Total" label in pivot charts
[quikee] preserve "Total" label on round-trip, remove code duplication
[quikee] tdf#107147 ignore subtotals and grandtotals when gathering labels
[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: translations
[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help 0205b43e4d518239ff3d6b9bed0cc9317939acd9
[bjoern.michaelsen] move SwDrawFlyContract creation into CreateNewRef
[Miklos Vajna] Indentation fixes
[gang65] EMF+ Add initial support for EmfPlusStringFormat Object
[gang65] tdf#47243 tdf#39327 Add support for SetPageTransform
[Noel Grandin] clang-tidy readability-simplify-boolean-expr in hwpfilter..lotuswordpro
[Noel Grandin] clang-tidy readability-simplify-boolean-expr in sw
[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help 29be78c402864c4e23d20ec19e86e0d8dd39a9a1
[Noel Grandin] Drop unused string resources from svtools/soerr.hxx
[Noel Grandin] clang-tidy readability-simplify-boolean-expr in oox..sal
[Noel Grandin] drop old WinMtfOutput::DrawPolygon method
[Noel Grandin] clang-tidy readability-simplify-boolean-expr in sc
[Miklos Vajna] sw: prefix members of SwMultiTOXTabDialog
[mstahl] sw: let's check GetFrame() instead, it's already public
[mstahl] Fix typos
[matteo.casalin] Remove code commented-out since 2003-11-24
[matteo.casalin] OUStrings: constify and avoid temporaries
[matteo.casalin] OUStrings: avoid temporaries and OUStringBuffers
[matteo.casalin] OUStrings: constify and avoid temporaries
[matteo.casalin] Fix indentation
[matteo.casalin] Minor optimizations to loops
[matteo.casalin] OUStrings: constify and avoid temporaries some more
[matteo.casalin] Do not pass a suggested name to GUIStoreModel: it is always overwritten
[mstahl] tdf#39468 Translate German comments in sw
[michael.meeks] BASIC: Call OUString() instead of OUString("");
[Noel Grandin] loplugin:checkunusedparams in i18nlangtag and l10ntools
[caolanm] coverity#1405477 Uninitialized pointer field
[caolanm] coverity#1405475 Uninitialized scalar field
[caolanm] coverity#1405470 Unchecked dynamic_cast
[caolanm] coverity#1405474 Unintended sign extension
[marklh9] tdf107359: imporve line pitch and char pitch importing of writerfilter.
[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help 4af60691995a58d513552e5e14677f680827e155
[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help ba34e6b24ee494bccd2ed173b3369b476ed3f69c
[bjoern.michaelsen] move SwFlyDrawContact ownership to SwFlyFrameFormat
[mstahl] tdf#107205 vcl: don't always use D2DWriteTextOutRenderer
[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: translations
[mstahl] tdf#39468 Translate German comments in sw
[philipz85] tdf#75256 Sifr: Link back and forward icons
[mstahl] tdf#39468 Translate German comments in sw
[philipz85] tdf#84837 Comment submenu icon and remove hide/show all comments
[mstahl] tdf#39468 Translate German comments in sw
Changes for Build #427
[bjoern.michaelsen] use a unique_ptr to track the SwFlyDrawContact
[bjoern.michaelsen] remove DYING_FLYFRAMEFORMAT: now obsolete
[libreoffice] tdf#107310: hybrid cell is a value cell as well as a string cell.
[libreoffice] tdf#107310: add unit test for this.
Changes for Build #428
No changes
Check console output at http://ci.libreoffice.org/job/lo_tb_random_config_linux/428/ to view the
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