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Tinderbox on Master for MacOSX-DbgUtil - Build # 13881 - Still Failing:

Changes for Build #13878
[Noel Grandin] convert SwTableSearchType to o3tl::typed_flags

[caolanm] convert annotation page break menu to .ui

[mstahl] tdf#39468 Translate German comments in sw

[Noel Grandin] convert AX_FONTDATA constants to scoped enum

[caolanm] convert header/footer menu to .ui

[mstahl] tdf#39468 Translate German comments in sw

Changes for Build #13879
[mstahl] fix typo @trhows

[mstahl] hwpfilter: remove write-only variable

[mstahl] sw: fix typos in URLs

[mstahl] tdf#96505 Get rid of cargo cult long integer literals

[caolanm] tell cppunit test about .ui requirement

[mstahl] Remove more remains of bundled extensions

Changes for Build #13880
[caolanm] ooxmlexport4 triggers .ui loading too

[caolanm] take the .ui files from $BRAND_BASE_DIR/$BRAND_SHARE_SUBDIR

Changes for Build #13881
[Stephan Bergmann] enum spelling: throught -> through

[mstahl] tdf#92007 python scripts with tuple-assignments fails on access from GUI

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