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Tinderbox on Master for Linux-DbgUtil - Build # 11087 - Fixed:

Changes for Build #11084
[tamas.zolnai] ChartDumpTest: Use english text in test docs

[Miklos Vajna] ODT export: test that the PDF replacement image is a bitmap

[tml] Bin unused forward declarations

[tml] Clean up some whitespace and comment craziness

[bjoern.michaelsen] give SwFlyDrawContact a clear owner: SwFlyFrameFormat

[bjoern.michaelsen] DYING_FLYFRAMEFORMAT not needed anymore

Changes for Build #11085
[tml] Add operator<< to output values of type enum class ExpressionFunct

Changes for Build #11086
[caolanm] unwind RID_PRICING_DEFFUNCTION_NAMES local resource

[caolanm] unwind RID_DATE_DEFFUNCTION_NAMES local resource

[caolanm] unwind RID_DATE_FUNCTION_NAMES local resource

[caolanm] unwind RID_PRICING_FUNCTION_NAMES local resource

[caolanm] unwind RID_PRICING_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS local resource

[caolanm] unwind RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS local resource

[caolanm] convert PRICING_FUNCDESC_* resources to StringArrays

[caolanm] convert DATE_FUNCDESC_* resources to StringArrays

[caolanm] unwind RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_NAMES local resource

[caolanm] unwind RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS local resource

[caolanm] covert ANALYSIS_* resources to StringArrays

[caolanm] unwind RID_ANALYSIS_DEFFUNCTION_NAMES local resource

[Stephan Bergmann] Keep original CFLAGS etc. unmodified in

Changes for Build #11087
[bjoern.michaelsen] Revert commits that caused instability on the Linux debug tinderbox

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