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Daily Screenshot Build on Windows - Build # 8 - Still Failing:

Changes for Build #1
No changes

Changes for Build #2
[khaledhosny] Kill old Graphite layout engines

[Noel Grandin] mark VclPtr::Create as SAL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT

[khaledhosny] Kill the old Unix layout engines

[khaledhosny] Kill code for Type 1 fonts on Unix

[Noel Grandin] tdf#48140 Replace uno with direct calls

[justin_luth] tdf#103975 docx import: don't remove sectPr with BreakItem

[erack] Resolves: tdf#103493 copying note captions needs a completed destination

[khaledhosny] DisableGlyphProcessing flag is never set now

[khaledhosny] ServerFontLayout is already gone

[khaledhosny] Kill PspFontLayout

[khaledhosny] Dead code

[khaledhosny] There is one font file type now

[khaledhosny] Kill old Core Text layout engine

[matus.kukan] tdf#90753: Move extras packages to AutoInstall

[Christian Lohmaier] android: launcher icon should be mipmap, not drawable

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: builddir is not neccessarily same as srcdir

[tamas.zolnai] tdf#99687: Find Text widget fails to emit object:text-caret-moved events

[andras.timar] respect read-only config items in Options - Load/Save - General dialog

[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help  565f827138ee50a0754de1e0c9d9d16feb28076f

[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help  fad1d9b854420d35adec033b26e0e5d90a4f7725

[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help  67f77ad0e414cfc4d08b821944616f5b819ac774

[khaledhosny] More dead code

[khaledhosny] Revert "Add layout engine info to the About dialog"

[khaledhosny] Do not check for SAL_NO_COMMON_LAYOUT any more

[Mike Kaganski] Remove extra "=" symbol for "--splash-pipe" argument

[andras.timar] respect read-only config items in Basic IDE Options dialog

[khaledhosny] Unused typedef’s

[michael.meeks] tdf#101327 - tolerate exceptions during window construction better.

Changes for Build #3
[ashnakash] Lok: number callback enum for easier debugging

[markus.mohrhard] use the existing ScAddress::operator==

[bjoern.michaelsen] switch gbuild-to-ide to use gbuildtojson

[tamas.zolnai] tdf#104201: PPTX: Group solid fill is not imported

[Norbert Thiebaud] add screenshot jenkins config

Changes for Build #4
[Norbert Thiebaud] screenshot config at the wrong place

[ashnakash] Lok: compress duplicate state-changed events

Changes for Build #5
[rene] Fix typo in (mk68 -> m68k)

[rene] fix sparc64 bridges build

[serval2412] tdf#101603: fix lgnpath for MacOs in LibreLogo

[andras.timar] typo: Scond -> Second

[markus.mohrhard] better way to split def patterns

[markus.mohrhard] also strip the first -D

Changes for Build #6
[tabe] starmath: Separate color name and operand by space

[Henry Castro] lok: in preinit stage, do not force locale

[Henry Castro] lok: avoid render font with empty rectangle

[Henry Castro] sw lok: notify repair when exist a conflict of multiple users undo/redo

[khaledhosny] Simplify things a bit

[jan Iversen] tdf#98525 Commit font style change to dimension line object

[Noel Grandin] BASIC: useless override DocObjectWrapper::acquire and release

[Stephan Bergmann] -Werror,-Wunused-private-field

[khaledhosny] Use range for loop

[Stephan Bergmann] Revert "Remove extra "=" symbol for "--splash-pipe" argument"

[momonasmon] tdf#104106 Enable save whenever edit mode active

[erack] tdf#43544 ScStyleObj: Only call StylePool->find() when necessary

[tml] Bin SecurityEnvironment_MSCryptImpl::m_tPriKeyList as it was always

[tml] Bin SecurityEnvironment_MSCryptImpl::getPriKey() as it always returns

[tml] No reason for these member functions to be virtual

[erack] nitpicks, tdf#43544 follow-up

[Miklos Vajna] sc: fix remaining loplugin:cppunitassertequals warnings

[Stephan Bergmann] tdf#104144: Missing dashed border, "break" should be "fallthrough" after

[markus.mohrhard] add cppunit tests to gbuildtojson

[markus.mohrhard] integrate the cppunit tests into gbuild-to-ide

[markus.mohrhard] add cppunit tests to vim-ide-integration

[Miklos Vajna] de-blacklist writerfilter from gbuildtojson

[Miklos Vajna] sw: prefix members of BigPtrArray

[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:unnecessaryoverride (dtors) in filter

[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:unnecessaryoverride (dtors) in comphelper

[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:unnecessaryoverride (dtors) in connectivity

[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:unnecessaryoverride (dtors) in cppcanvas

[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:unnecessaryoverride (dtors) in cppuhelper

[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:unnecessaryoverride (dtors) in cui

[fitojb] These don’t need to be translatable

[Miklos Vajna] tdf#104215: Remove the out-of-borders ruler check

Changes for Build #7
[markus.mohrhard] orcus is mandatory now

[David Tardon] don't leak impl. details

[David Tardon] tdf#104139 keep the current OpenGL state

[Miklos Vajna] CppunitTest_xmlsecurity_signing: fix this on Windows with non-empty cert

[akshaydeepiitr] tdf#101870 - Template manager thumbnail view control needs a border

[tabe] tdf#103430 Apply mathvariant attribute to <mi> and <mo>

[tabe] starmath: these static functions can be local

Changes for Build #8
[justin_luth] tdf#103975 docx import: don't lose column break

[Noel Grandin] loplugin:vclwidgets check for assigning from VclPt<T> to T*

[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:vclwidgets

[Miklos Vajna] sw: indentation fixes

[Noel Grandin] convert ND constants to o3tl::typed_flags

[Noel Grandin] tdf#48140 Replace uno with direct calls

[Samuel Mehrbrodt] EMOJI CONTROL: Add EmojiOne font for Emoji Support

[Katarina.Behrens] safe mode: typos and vocabulary nitpicking

[Stephan Bergmann] Use Size::Width/Height instead of inherited Pair::A/B

[bjoern.michaelsen] get rid of LegacyModifyHint

[bjoern.michaelsen] kill SwClient/Modify here, use sane(r) SfxBroadcaster/Listener

[mstahl] sw core: de-obfuscate assignments in conditions to help GCC

[mstahl] sw ui: de-obfuscate assignments in conditions to help GCC

[mstahl] extensions,sc,sd,vcl: de-obfuscate assignments in conditions to help GCC

[khaledhosny] Drop assigned but never used parameter

[Stephan Bergmann] Idle::Start must be called with SolarMutex locked

[Stephan Bergmann] Don't change ustrHostname in case of error

[Noel Grandin] convert SwCursorSelOverFlags to o3tl::typed_flags

[Miklos Vajna] tdf#104115 DOCX export: ClosedBezierShape should always result in

[Noel Grandin] convert SwTOXElement to o3tl::typed_flags

[Noel Grandin] convert SwTOIOptions to o3tl::typed_flags

[caolanm] Related: tdf#90214 gtk2 use a darkcolor based on the theme

[Stephan Bergmann] Window::Invalidate must be called with SolarMutex locked

[caolanm] Resolves: tdf#90214 set gtk[2|3] lightshadow halfway between darkshadow

[khaledhosny] Use Freetypefont::GetFontMetric()

[khaledhosny] Drop a bunch of font metrics flags

[Miklos Vajna] vcl mscrypto PDF sign: don't assume that header length is always 2 bytes

[David Tardon] tdf#104139 state can't be set as context may not be available

[Stephan Bergmann] Allow extensions to provide color palettes

[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help  bc8558025b4c47b6506d002eb98ba3f0774264e6

[Stephan Bergmann] -Werror,-Wunused-private-field

[mstahl] tdf#102479 ODF export: ignore exceptions when checking shape text

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions: vcl

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions: unotools

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions: sw

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions: svx

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions: svtools

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions: starmath

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions: sd

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions: sc

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions: pyuno

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions: oox

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions:

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions: idlc

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions:

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions: formula

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions: filter

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions: editeng

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions:

[Stephan Bergmann] Rewrite some (trivial) assignments inside if/while conditions:

[Katarina.Behrens] safe mode: Add help button to the dialog

[jan Iversen] tdf#96717: The macro name desired by the user is now took into account.

[Mike Kaganski] Use derived classes' methods instead of Pair::A/B

[khaledhosny] SalGraphics::GetFontEncodingVector() is a noop now

[khaledhosny] Dead code

[khaledhosny] Strip down GetEmbedFontData to what is really used

[Henry Castro] lok: ensure positive values for width and height

[markus.mohrhard] add MIN test case

[libreoffice] tdf#71409: always create edit engine instance for the input window.

[tabe] starmath: Prefix members of SmSpecialNode etc.

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