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Lcov report generator for master - Build # 538 - Failure:

Changes for Build #538
[erack] Resolves: tdf#88257 handle FILTERXML array/matrix context

[Stephan Bergmann] Silence -fsanitize=float-divide-by-zero in some parts of sc

[lionel] fixup firebird with internal icu

[caolanm] revert div by 0 ubsan hackarounds now

[caolanm] enable password export tests under macosx

[vmiklos] sw: allow accept/reject of redline by index

[tml] Why wouldn't we need liblangtag for iOS?

[tml] Adapt to LibreOfficeKit API changes, LOK_USE_UNSTABLE_API

[tml] Surround use of StarBASIC with #if HAVE_FEATURE_SCRIPTING

[tml] Massage ifdefs etc for iOS to avoid undefineds

[tml] Use correct path to the build platform's services.rdb when

[tml] These 'inline' keywords are fairly pointless

[tml] We use a much newer ICU version now

[tml] Drop some iOS-only code that seems unnecessary and in fact crashes now

[tml] Revert "These 'inline' keywords are fairly pointless"

[lionel] fixup firebird with internal icu: link time

[tml] Nah, just check for iOS explicitly for now

[Stephan Bergmann] Add missing Loader$1.class

[Stephan Bergmann] Remove duplicate line

[lionel] firebird: have built-in cloop use same compiler as everyone else

[lionel] firebird: gcc6 compatibility part 1

[lionel] firebird: gcc6 compatibility part 2

[lionel] firebird: fixup cloop on Windows

[oliver.specht] Resolves: tdf#101245 doc(x) protected areas not protected with disabled

[gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: help  641b43850cb2903e640bfbdd5df413e80aff2b68

[caolanm] Tino should be Tinos

[Thorsten Behrens] Update officeotron jar - now built with java 1.6 target

[Thorsten Behrens] configure: move export validation, check for min jre

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: extend default paths where stuff gets written

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: added more virtualization/abstraction

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: added stuff for Linux build

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: added pretty much all sd dialogs

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: added support for minimal Screenshot ifc

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add missing cppunit files

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: exclude sd tests for the while

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: unset VCL_HIDE_WINDOWS

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: opening some sc dialogs from cppunit

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: kill work-around for pseudo-headless mode

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: open more sc modal dialogs

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: write created screenshots into workdir

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: names to copy screenshot IDs

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: modify tab dialog screenshot id a bit

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: rPath argument is now unused

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: open more sc modal dialogs, part 2

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: interface for sc dialog factory

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: actually save screenshots for sc

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: dialog doesn't even have a help button

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: don't crash on opening csv import dlg

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: sc dialog factory ifc for tab dialogs

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: support creating shots of tab dialogs

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: don't leak windows

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: gen screenshots during 'make slowcheck'

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: use smart pointers

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: this is really unused

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: move shared code to separate class

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: use new bootstrap fixture in sc and sd

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: Use UI string and fallback for UI-String only

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: fallback screenshot to ui files

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: fix fallback cases for sd and sc

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for writer

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for svx

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for cui

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for chart2

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for dbaccess

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for basctl

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for desktop

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for filter

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for formula

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for fpicker

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for reportdesign

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for sfx2

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for starmath

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for svtools

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for uui

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for vcl

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add dialog test cases for xmlsecurity

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: unify dumping of dialog test batch file

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: fix Linux, exclude a few crashing dialogs

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: clang plugin & tabpage usage fixes

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: add new global make target

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshots: fix sc screenshot test

[Noel Grandin] convert SvXMLEmbeddedObjectHelperMode to scoped enum

[Noel Grandin] convert XBitmapType to scoped enum

[Noel Grandin] convert XFormTextShadow to scoped enum

[Noel Grandin] convert XFormTextAdjust to scoped enum

[Noel Grandin] convert XFormTextStyle to scoped enum

[Noel Grandin] convert ProjectionType to scoped enum

[Noel Grandin] convert PageType to scoped enum

[Noel Grandin] convert ColorModel to scoped enum

[Noel Grandin] convert SdrMeasureTextVPos to scoped enum

[Noel Grandin] convert SdrMeasureTextHPos to scoped enum

[Noel Grandin] convert SdrEdgeKind to scoped enum

[Noel Grandin] convert SdrCaptionType to scoped enum

[Noel Grandin] convert SdrCaptionEscDir to scoped enum

[vmiklos] svl: no need to iterate in reverse order in GetRedoActionsInfo()

[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:redundantcast

[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:redundantcast

[caolanm] use preexisting helper to get DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH vs LD_LIBRARY_PATH

[caolanm] Resolves: tdf#101347 conditional formatting super slow on exit

[caolanm] starmath: Use SmCaretPos::GetPosAfter()

[caolanm] remove dead resource names, related to tdf#92518

[tml] Better fix for Objective-C

[caolanm] add CVE-2016-3304 testcase

[eszkadev] tdf#87938 Add descriptive instructions to 2fa dialog

[Katarina.Behrens] tdf#83830: Numbering dropdown set to 6 lines, label adjustments

[vmiklos] sw redlining: support per-view authors

[vmiklos] gtktiledviewer: specify author name when calling

[erack] xmloff tokenmap: do not assume anything did not fail

[caolanm] add CVE-2016-3303 testcase

[caolanm] add CVE-2016-3301 testcase

[Thorsten Behrens] screenshot: add screenshot ui test to check target

[caolanm] Use English category names instead of localized ones in theme search

[caolanm] skip checking for icuuc lib

[erack] Resolves: tdf#101572 New Belarusian Ruble BYN/Br for [be-BY]

[caolanm] cppcheck: useInitializationList

[caolanm] cppcheck: nullPointerRedundantCheck

[tml] Add handling of a +TIMESTAMP flag in the SAL_LOG environment variable

[tml] No need for nested unnamed namespaces

[tml] Mention what negative or multiply specified flags mean (nothing special)

[erack] xmloff tokenmap: allocate map on heap instead of as class member

[Thorsten Behrens] Update officeotron jar once more for backwards compat

[lionel] tdf#69949 GSoC Firebird implement autoincrement

[tml] Add handling of a +RELATIVETIMER flag in the SAL_LOG environment

[Stephan Bergmann] external/firebird: Make GCC check work for Clang, too

[Stephan Bergmann] Missing &&

[caolanm] cppcheck: nullPointerRedundantCheck

[caolanm] cppcheck: passedByValue

[caolanm] cppcheck: noExplicitConstructor

[caolanm] cppcheck: noCopyConstructor

[caolanm] Resolves: tdf#91533 (rhbz#1364335) Tooltips are truncated

[vmiklos] sw: fix accepting/rejecting a change by index when cursor is not at a

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