Lcov report generator for master - Build # 491 - Failure:
Changes for Build #491
[marklh9] tdf#100179 correct cell merging in pptx.
[caolanm] everything is called Dispose, hard to find anything
[erack] Resolves: tdf#100440 check mode to be 0 or 1 for MONTHS(), YEARS() and
[Katarina.Behrens] Rename GetFoucsPosIndex() to GetFocusPosIndex()
[Rishabh Kumar] Minor changes for Pattern tab
[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:badstatics: new static only found with libc++
[tabe] Make SmStructureNode's ctor initialize the number of sub nodes
[Stephan Bergmann] clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores
[vmiklos] remove stylename dependency from rtfimport
[Noel Grandin] Improve readability of OUString concatanation in SvxPixelCtlAccessible
[vmiklos] CppunitTest_sal_rtl_ostringbuffer: fix loplugin:cppunitassertequals
[mstahl] re-enable unit tests accidentally disabled with HAVE_FEATURE_ATL
[mstahl] cppunittester: always print execution time of each test
[mstahl] sd: split up sd_export_tests
[mstahl] sd: sd_export_ooxml still takes the most time, split it in 2
[vmiklos] sc lok: add LOK_CALLBACK_CELL_VIEW_CURSOR
[Marco Cecchetti] lool - bccu#1307 - images must be scaled in a non-uniform way
[Marco Cecchetti] lool - bccu#1307 - stop colors for background gradient was wrong
[Marco Cecchetti] svgfilter - polish code formatting
[Marco Cecchetti] svg filter - rewritten context handling
[Marco Cecchetti] bccu#1307 - svg filter - added support for clip region meta action
[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:defaultparams
[erack] let GetInt*() truncate to integer towards 0
[erack] use GetInt32() for integer Add-In parameters
[erack] no need to check twice
[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:stringconstant
[Marco Cecchetti] bccu#1800 fix bogus loops in slide animations and transitions
[Marco Cecchetti] avoid 'Compiler Error C2026 string too big, trailing characters
[Marco Cecchetti] bccu#1870 - added support for rotate attribute
[Marco Cecchetti] bccu#1900 - additive and calc mode were not parsed correctly
[Marco Cecchetti] bccu#1900 - added support for discrete activities
[Marco Cecchetti] bccu#1910 - better handling of not supported animation nodes.
[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:unreffun
[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:unreffun
[Stephan Bergmann] clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores
[mstahl] remove executable bit from .mk files
[mstahl] python3: override LINKCC properly, it needs -pthread
[mstahl] svl: remove pointless catch around "delete" statement
[Samuel Mehrbrodt] filedlg: Improve code readability a bit
[Stephan Bergmann] clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores
[andras.timar] svg-export - Removal of the SVG 1.1 path API in Chrome
[Stephan Bergmann] clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores
[Samuel Mehrbrodt] Add new open dialog type: Play and link
[Samuel Mehrbrodt] Add link option to sd file open dialog
[Samuel Mehrbrodt] Slide transition sound dialog: Set default path to home dir
[vmiklos] CppunitTest_sc_tiledrendering: replace ifdefs with a single makefile
[Noel Grandin] Modify the ImpGraphic class, mpAnimation to use a unique pointer
[Samuel Mehrbrodt] GSoC possibility to change icon size in the SidebarToolBox
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- [global-libreoffice-ci] Lcov report generator for master - Build # 491 - Failure! · ci
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