Lcov report generator for master - Build # 423 - Failure:
Changes for Build #423
[erack] join two lines that cause an annoying debugger step over experience
[erack] change multiple ifs to switch case
[erack] alignment
[erack] newline shortage
[erack] simplify the ReplaceToken() offset logic to absolute offsets
[erack] Resolves: tdf#96426 significant whitespace as intersection in Excel
[erack] use FormulaToken::DeleteIfZeroRef() instead of Delete() at some places
[erack] SC_OPCODE_STOP_... values are exclusive
[erack] fully check for adjacent RPN end, tdf#96426 follow-up
[erack] narrow down where a space could be an intersection, tdf#96426 follow-up
[erack] more differentiated significant whitespace recognition, tdf#96426
[erack] FormulaByteToken(ocClose) was always wrong
[erack] first range can be anywhere before second at RPN end, tdf#96426
[fitojb] tdf#93060 Start Center: Update this string to dodge problematic term
[serval2412] tdf#99450/tdf#99462: fix insert twice the same object in Photo album
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- [global-libreoffice-ci] Lcov report generator for master - Build # 423 - Failure! · ci
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