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Tinderbox on Master for Linux - Build # 8990 - Still Failing:

Changes for Build #8977
[caolanm] drop unused headers

[caolanm] drop unused resource

[caolanm] gtk3: popover positions come pre-computed

Changes for Build #8978
[mstahl] xmlsecurity: check that osl::File::copy actually succeeds

[mstahl] sal: UNX: in oslDoCopy, rename into destination directory ...

Changes for Build #8979
[anistenis] Revert "tdf#97538: SVGIO: Add unittest"

Changes for Build #8980
[erack] use ScMatrix::IsSizeAllocatable() instead of GetElementsMax()

Changes for Build #8981
[quikee] Add tilde shortcuts to keyboard shorctuts

Changes for Build #8982
[philipz85] tdf#62437 Hide OneDrive and Alfresco Cloud until they are functional

Changes for Build #8983
[erack] introduce a dedicated errMatrixSize

[erack] a few more candidates for errMatrixSize

[erack] remove unused errInterpOverflow

[erack] add STR_LONG_ERR_MATRIX_SIZE "Error: Array or matrix size"

Changes for Build #8984
[mstahl] RepositoryExternal: missing dependency in openssl_headers

[mstahl] tdf#65219 Fix temp files clean up in sw unit tests

Changes for Build #8985
[Stephan Bergmann] loplugin:defaultparams

Changes for Build #8986
[mstahl] openssl: fix WNT build

Changes for Build #8987
[libreoffice] Update liborcus to 0.11.0.

Changes for Build #8988
[David Tardon] reorder

[David Tardon] reduce copypasta

[David Tardon] detect Boost.Filesystem

[David Tardon] define boost_filestystem external for system boost too

Changes for Build #8989
[jan Iversen] Updated to solve problem with gerrit patch 22363

[Noel Grandin] new loplugin:constantparam

Changes for Build #8990
[Stephan Bergmann] New LOK_LOADLIB_GLOBAL to let clients control dlopen(RTLD_GLOBAL)

[David Tardon] follow the boost lib naming scheme for DateTime too

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