Tinderbox on Master for Windows-Debug - Build # 5273 - Still Failing: Changes for Build #5263 [markus.mohrhard] log to the crashreporter whether we use OpenGL [markus.mohrhard] remove the case for system breakpad Changes for Build #5264 [markus.mohrhard] store the crash ini file inside of the user profile Changes for Build #5265 [gerrit buildbot] Updated core Project: translations Changes for Build #5266 [serval2412] Add SAL_WARN + convert some printf into SAL_WARN Changes for Build #5267 [david] MSVC 14.0: Second attempt to fix Python in 32bit build mode [david] MSVC 14.0: Fix building 64bit libraries in 32bit mode [caolanm] tdf#98088: prevent access to invalid sub node [caolanm] tdf#94738 Replace symphony icons with galaxy in the sidebar Changes for Build #5268 [fitojb] Copy tango icons from Galaxy into Tango Changes for Build #5269 [markus.mohrhard] use better assert macros Changes for Build #5270 [momonasmon] Kill sfx2 menu support [momonasmon] tdf#84258 Allow creation of command aliases [momonasmon] tdf#84258 officecfg: Split page/slide commands [momonasmon] tdf#93837 sd: Initial import of context menu xml files Changes for Build #5271 [momonasmon] mbUnityMode is always false [momonasmon] Fix gtk2 menubar Changes for Build #5272 [Thorsten.Behrens] tdf#95709 adapt clip polygon for transparence groups [momonasmon] tdf#89646 Add new buttons into Linetoolbox of writer drawbar. Changes for Build #5273 [Thorsten.Behrens] tdf#98119 Allow markers on zero-length lines [Thorsten.Behrens] tdf#97963: Impose size limit on all 3 edit windows Check console output at http://ci.libreoffice.org/job/lo_tb_master_win_dbg/5273/ to view the results. -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: libreoffice-ci+unsubscribe@global.libreoffice.org Problems? http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/ Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette List archive: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/libreoffice-ci/ All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted